The Shoutbox
Yah, last night was a pretty good episode. Much more so on point than Black Market was two weeks ago.

Rubyblood, I admit that I'm probably one of the biggest nerds here and even I scoffed at BSG when it first came out. But this show is one of the best things on TV in years. Check out the miniseries to see if you like it or not and if you like it in the least, season 1 will get you hooked.

This past week's episode of Veronica Mars was pretty solid as well. Good to see my two favorite shows on TV returning to form after both had episodes which dipped, albeit slightly, in quality.
Battlestar Galactica.
Too many acronyms! BSG? Big Silly Giant?
Last night's episode of BSG was incredible...glad I have it on my DVR so I can watch it again!
Ooh, them's fightin' words.
And a lot of donuts.
Care to hit the scales?
I consume a lot of media...
And a lot of donuts.
I consume a lot of media...
why o why do you need so much space?
I was going to do the exact same thing with my old comp when I built this one, but I decided to gut its part and make a home pc for my dad.

But yah, I've got the remote going on and everything.