The Shoutbox
Olivia de Havilland turns 101 today. Happy Birthday to one of my all time favorite actresses.

Home. Holy monkey-balls, Batman! This day!!
I think that was a compliment.
Just got told by a rather large Australian that I'm a mate.
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Ha! When the, Count to 1,000,000 thread, reaches a million
I've even thought of trying to figure out when that will be based on the number of new posts per day, etc. I so want to be the poster who posts 1,000,000.
Quick Pick 2

Baby Driver or the Beguiled?

Matches or Air Freshener?

Originally Posted by Chypmunk
My puns are so bad I'd be gone within a week
You'd be taking me with you.
Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
ooh! been forever since I've seen it

is my name getting close to the top o the list?
Gettin' there. Either one or two people ahead of you; Okay expressed some interest, but only confirmed wanting to do it later. Holden, too. After that it's you.