The Shoutbox
Enjoy it Mec!
Have a good one!
alrighty then thanks see you all later
In The Bedroom would be my pick, due to the mood I'm in at the moment. It depends on what you're looking for.

I have a friend who said the I.T.B just blew him away emotionally.
no no no, i forgot to put what i was talking about, gonna go see a movie now, gosford park or in the bedroom
Haven't seen Black Hawk Down yet.
It's only 4:01PM here. I'm seeing it at nine.
Patti's leaving us only moments after arriving.

I'm looking forward to both those films...
Black Hawk Down is what he saw, I think. Goodnight, Patti.
in the bedroom or gosford park??

So dissapointing.
hi spud, silver and chris......goodnight spud, silver and chris!
You'll like The Matrix.