The Shoutbox
Now that is what I call ROCK AND / OR ROLL BABY!
It was the heat of the moment
Tellin' me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment
Shone in your eyes...
"Wait a minute. This sounds like rock and/or roll!"
"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, Baby..."
I am British. It is my job to be unpleasant.
man did i do something wrong? or are you just generally unpleasent today?
I find the excess of human waste that your mouth is managing to emit slightly tiring.
man do i learn something new all the time. How do i retify the problem Mr Alvin?
I do not know what you are talking about.
You have truly got me confused.

And you don't translate well into Indonesian.
Our readers in Sulawesi have expressed concern.
man i think your taking this role just a "little" too seriously
I got William Alvin from my parents. I went to Cambridge and then founded a very important International company in 1897.