The Shoutbox
Oh adi, I'm SORRY! I honestly thought I was the furthest behind here! Total "oops" if I said anything I shouldn't have. I assumed everybody but me (and Yoda) was already way ahead of me!
Aus, let's be a bit more careful with the spoilers, i'm still on Flesh and bone...
I for one am intrigued by Apocalytpo, as are most of the folks I know. Gibson's earned the benefit of the doubt as a director, and it looks hoards different from most of the films being released over the next couple of months, so for that alone, it's getting my eight bucks.
And Tideland is definitely Gilliam's weakest film, but of course you should have gone to see him in person. Duh.
He's coming thursday, oh capitan of curt, so i still might. Saw a good hour-long interview with him t'other day tho, so i'm not chomping at the bit.
This past week's episode seems to be getting the "love it or hate it" treatment. I am in the former...
Oops, that was a long shout. I wish the BSG thread didn't have any spoilers in it.
I guess I never caught on that all 12 colonies were zapped -- mostly because they only keep showing Caprica. So, the 47K people are from across all 12 colonies then? Gotcha.

"I never believe that he believes it." YES, this is precisely what I was trying to say. Just when you might think he was fearful and scared for his soul, etc., he whispers a VERY conniving lie in Roslin's ear. Sorry, but that trumps whatever else he was saying. Which is why I find both Boomer/Sharon copies more compelling. One knows she's a cylon and one doesn't (or doesn't seem to), and yet both seem to use "emotions" to make decisions. Both have more truthful altruistic motives (as seen when the Caprica Sharon rescues Helo and the BSG Sharon shoots herself.). HER I could sympathize with. But Loeben was just too... sneaky, even up to the end. Which is why I also didn't buy Starbuck's praying for his soul all of a sudden.

"...remember, some of them are programmed to think and act like humans. plus, doesn't the jelousy of one cylon towards another indicate ..'something' other than circuts and a bunch of wires?"

Well, but ALL of that could be programmed. If they are PROGRAMMED to be like humans, then it's still PROGRAMMING. They might be very convincing automatons (even to themselves), but they are still programmed.

Number 6 and whoever the cylon in the red jacket is (on Caprica) admit that the Boomer/Sharon model is "weak." We see this in both copies we've seen -- too "emotional." But since both copies do it, it sounds like it's their programming. They were programmed to rely too heavily on the emotional part of the programming, or something.
Aus, they all got destroyed. The Cylons just happened to take over Caprica, which - though never explicitly stated - seems to be the biggest of the colonies.

I actually had the same reaction to Flesh and Bone as you did. I think it a good episode, and while I love a lot of what Loeben says, I never believe that he believes it.

However, and I won't get into the reasons why for spoiler free purposes, but I think that may have been entirely intentional on the creators part.

What the episode does reveal, and you've stated it yourself, is a human (even you, outside of the show) has a jarring time believing that a machine could have genuine belief in what have hitherto been human beliefs. There's no reason it has to be programming. And I don't think it is.

And yes, those two are very compelling.
I may never have the opportunity to see Apocalypto. I have no interest in it. At all.

And Tideland is definitely Gilliam's weakest film, but of course you should have gone to see him in person. Duh.
Good point, Golly.
What? You can see Holds?

Are you M Night Shylamamalamam?