Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2017

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Welcome to Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2017

Just like a few other members, I'm starting a movie log for the year 2017. I'll post every film I see here and perhaps give a few thoughts about them. Proper reviews will still go in my review thread.

I hope I'll be able to at least watch one film every two days, but daily life will probably make that pretty difficult. Reaching 150+ NEW films watched this year is the goal I'll try to work towards, though, which still leaves room for about 30 rewatches.

I'm always open for discussions about the films I post here, of course. Enjoy!

LOG 2017:


#1 - Sing Street (2016) ~ January 2
#2 - White Christmas (1954) ~ January 3
#3 - Fireworks a.k.a. Hana-bi (1997) ~ January 5
#4 - Anatomy of a Murder (1959) ~ January 14
#5 - Hardcore (1979) ~ January 15
#6 - Amadeus (1984) ~ January 16
#7 - Sausage Party (2016) ~ January 16
#8 - Same Time, Next Year (1978) ~ January 17
#9 - Enough Said (2013) ~ January 18
#10 - Frost/Nixon (2008) ~ January 19
#11 - Foxcatcher (2014) ~ January 20
#12 - Damsels in Distress (2011) ~ January 22
#13 - The Naked City (1948) ~ January 22
#14 - Night and the City (1950) ~ January 24
#15 - De Zaak Alzheimer a.k.a. The Memory of a Killer (2003) ~ January 25
#16 - Gran Torino (2008) ~ January 25
#17 - Death in Venice (1971) ~ January 27
#18 - Hell or High Water (2016) ~ January 29
#19 - La La Land (2016) ~ January 30


REWATCH #1 - The Hateful Eight (2015) ~ February 3
#20 - Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981) ~ February 4
#21 - Saboteur (1942) ~ February 4
#22 - September (1987) ~ February 4
#23 - The Edge of Seventeen (2016) ~ February 5
#24 - Jeune & Jolie a.k.a. Young & Beautiful (2013) ~ February 5
#25 - The Love Witch (2016) ~ February 5
#26 - Pale Rider (1985) ~ February 6
#27 - A Dangerous Method (2011) ~ February 7
Mini-Series Documentary - Inside Obama's White House (2016) ~ February 8
#28 - Nocturnal Animals (2016) ~ February 10
#29 - Stand By me (1986) ~ February 11
#30 - Foreign Correspondent (1940) ~ February 11
#31 - The War Room (1993) ~ February 11
#32 - Wolf (1994) ~ February 12
#33 - L'Homme Qui Aimait les Femmes a.k.a. The Man Who Loved Women (1977) ~ February 18
#34 - Tokyo Godfathers (2003) ~ February 19
#35 - Hud (1963) ~ February 19
#36 - Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia (2013) ~ February 23
#37 - College (1927) ~ February 27
#38 - Viva (2007) ~ February 27


#39 - Silence (2016) ~ March 3
#40 - The Best Man (1964) ~ March 6
#41 - Kundun (1997) ~ March 7
REWATCH #2 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) ~ March 11
#42 - Shadow World (2016) ~ March 12
#43 - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) ~ March 18
#44 - Monster (2003) ~ March 18
#45 - The Beguiled (1971) ~ March 25
#46 - Paterson (2016) ~ March 26


#47 - Incendies (2010) ~ April 1
#48 - Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973) ~ April 3
#49 - Elle (2016) ~ April 5
#50 - Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) ~ April 5
#51 - Single White Female (1992) ~ April 7
#52 - Secrets and Lies (1996) ~ April 7
#53 - The Wild Bunch (1969) ~ April 8
#54 - In the Realm of the Senses (1976) ~ April 14
#55 - My Night at Maud's (1969) ~ April 15
#56 - Youth of the Beast (1963) ~ April 15
REWATCH #3 - The Breakfast Club (1985) ~ April 16
#57 - Bad Timing (1980) ~ April 22
#58 - Life of Pi (2012) ~ April 25
#59 - The Terrorizers (1986) ~ April 25
#60 - Like Father, Like Son (2013) ~ April 28
#61 - Don't Look Now (1973) ~ April 29
REWATCH #4 - Some Like It Hot (1959) ~ April 30


#62 - Annie (2014) ~ May 20
REWATCH #5 - The Shawshank Redemption (1994) ~ May 21
#63 - Supersonic (2016) ~ May 25
#64 - Let the Right One In (2008) ~ May 27


#65 - Amazing Grace: Jeff Buckley (2004) ~ June 2
#66 - Something Wild (1986) ~ June 7
#67 - Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) ~ June 11
#68 - Cookie's Fortune (1999) ~ June 11
#69 - Night and Fog (1956) ~ June 12
#70 - Street of Shame (1956) ~ June 12
#71 - Dans la Maison (2012) ~ June 13
#72 - Girl, Interrupted (1999) ~ June 15
#73 - Wild Tales (2014) ~ June 18
#74 - The Rules of the Game (1939) ~ June 18
REWATCH #6 - Jason and the Argonauts (2000) ~ June 19
#75 - Empire of Passion (1978) ~ June 19
#76 - Requiem for the American Dream (2015) ~ June 20
#77 - Walkabout (1971) ~ June 22
REWATCH #7 - The Graduate (1967) ~ June 23
REWATCH #8 - Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) ~ June 24


#78 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) ~ July 5
REWATCH #9 - La Grande Vadrouille (1966) ~ July 15
#79 - Dangerous Liaisons (1988) ~ July 19
REWATCH #10 - A Clockwork Orange (1971) ~ July 21
REWATCH #11 - Goldfinger (1964) ~ July 21
#80 - The Troops of St. Tropez (1964) ~ July 22
#81 - Dunkirk (2017) ~ July 26
#82- The Remains of the Day (1993) ~ July 27
#83- Platoon (1986) ~ July 28
#84- Lost in America (1985) ~ July 29
#85 - La Pianiste/The Piano Teacher (2001) ~ July 30
#86 - Caché (2005) ~ July 31
#87 - Cheatin' (2013) ~ July 31


#88 - Raw (2016) ~ August 1
#89 - Out of the Blue (1980) ~ August 1
#90 - Bicycle Thieves (1948) ~ August 3
#91 - Amour (2012) ~ August 6
#92 - Women in Love (1969) ~ August 8
#93 - The Wrestler (2008) ~ August 9
#94 - Cocktail (1988) ~ August 14
#95 - Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953) ~ August 14
#96 - Manchester by the Sea (2016) ~ August 15
#97 - Nobody Knows (2004) ~ August 18


#98 - Home (2016) ~ September 7
#99 - Mother! (2017) ~ September 17
#100 - I Saw the Devil (2010) ~ September 30


#101 - The Diary of a Teenage Girl (2015) ~ October 7
#102 - The Reagan Show (2017) ~ October 8
#103 - Delicatessen (1991) ~ October 13
#104 - The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) ~ October 22
#105 - Baby Driver (2017) ~ October 29


#106 - The Neon Demon (2016) ~ November 3
#107 - Blade Runner 2049 (2017) ~ November 4
#108 - T2 Trainspotting (2017) ~ November 10
#109 - Mud (2012) ~ November 16
#110 - Ms. 45 (1981) ~ November 17
#111 - Straw Dogs (1971) ~ November 17
#112 - The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) ~ November 18
Short Films ~ November 18
#113 - Logan Lucky (2017) ~ November 24
#114 - The Big Chill (1983) ~ November 25
#115 - The Devils (1971) [UNCUT] ~ November 25
#116 - The Stunt Man (1980) ~ November 28


#117 - Get Out (2017) ~ December 1
REWATCH #12 - Dallas Buyers Club (2013) ~ December 1
#118 - American Pop (1981) ~ December 1
REWATCH #13 - Vertigo (1958) ~ December 2
REWATCH #14 - Men of Honor (2000) ~ December 2
#119 - Love & Mercy (2014) ~ December 2
#120 - Midnight on the Orient Express (1974) ~ December 3
#121 - Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962) ~ December 3
#122 - A Prairie Home Companion (2006) ~ December 5
#123 - King of New York (1990) ~ December 5
#124 - The Dead (1987) ~ December 6
#125 - Exotica (1994) ~ December 8
#126 - Spotlight (2015) ~ December 8
#127 - A Christmas Story (1983) ~ December 9
#128 - Under the Volcano (1984) ~ December 9
#129 - The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) ~ December 10
#130 - Lady Snowblood (1973) ~ December 12
#131 - Jeremiah Johnson (1972) ~ December 12
#132 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) ~ December 13
#133 - Philomena (2013) ~ December 14
REWATCH #15 - Black Swan (2010) ~ December 15
#134 - A Matter of Life and Death (1946) ~ December 15
#135 - The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) ~ December 16
REWATCH #16 - Knocked Up (2007) ~ December 20
#136 - Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) ~ December 22
REWATCH #17 - Home Alone (1990) ~ December 24
#137 - Little Women (1994) ~ December 24
#138 - Spoorloos (1988) ~ December 26
#139 - Diva (1981) ~ December 27
#140 - Festen (1998) ~ December 29
#141 - New Year's Eve (2011) ~ December 30
REWATCH #18 - The Artist (2011) ~ December 30
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

#1 - Sing Street (2016) ~ January 2

Has a few cool moments and is obviously well made, but ultimately I wasn't totally convinced by it. During too many instances I had the feeling that I was watching stuff that I'd already seen in other films. The sentiments of too many important scenes felt unoriginal to me and therefore didn't land emotionally as they should. The film still has its 80s-style charms and certain characters have an interesting edge to them (at times), but ultimately I don't think this will ever come close to any favorite list of mine.

That's top ten of the year for me so far. Your problems with it are correct though, it isn't original but i connected with it anyway. It amazed me how many similaraties it had to Submarine of course Submarine is the much superior film. I posted this when i watched it about the Submarine connection; Spoilers obviously:

It is really remarkable how similar to Submarine this is. Young love between a mysterious female and a slightly dorky male, the male tries to change himself to get the females attention, set in a part of the British Isles that isn't Scotland or England; Submarine - Wales, Sing Street - Ireland (this may be stretching it a bit but i think this would be relevant to anyone from here, you could probably make it anywhere except England tbh being from Scotland though i feel differently of course) the mother of the males in both is having an affair and the mother of the female in both have a serious problem; in Submarine it's a brain tumour and in this it is bi-polar disorder, Submarine definitely explores the parents part alot more though. The male and females "place" in both is even the beach/pier. I do think Submarine is quite a bit better but i found this interesting, i certainly don't think this was trying to emulate Submarine in anyway, other than the fact that it is a quirky BritIrish romantic comedy there's not many similarities in tone.

Interestingly, it was my youngest sister who recommended Sing Street to me. She absolutely adored it! I recommended her to watch Submarine while I watched Sing Street, because I also thought they seemed alike, purely based on reading the plot.

I agree that Submarine is quite a bit better. That's one of my absolute favorite "teenager films" of all time as a matter of fact. My sister also liked it, but I have a feeling that she secretly loved Sing Street a bit more. I can understand her, though. She's only sixteen and the more naive, revolutionary, youthful and ultimately optimistic mood from the latter probably feels more attractive to her.

Welcome to the human race...
I ended up watching Submarine after Sing Street but I didn't make a conscious connection between the two (yet I did with Son of Rambow, which also had the "'80s British schoolkids create their own art" plot). In any case, I'll agree that Sing Street is a bit hollow and was a fun watch that hasn't really held up in my memory (the reverse is true of Submarine).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

#2 - White Christmas (1954) ~ January 3

I'm way too much of a sentimentalist to criticize a great old-fashioned piece of nostalgia like this. I probably loved Holiday Inn a bit more, but this picture also got me all warm inside at various moments. Now I'm most likely done with Christmas films until next December. I'm already looking forward to it!

Must be doin sumthin right
Next year when you watch it just picture Bing Crosby going home every day after shooting to beat his kids. That'll steel you to cynically see the obvious hokiness

I'd rather talk about the films themselves in this thread, instead of what's written about the personal lives of the artists involved. We can't ever know the complete truth about the latter, which is why it is not an interesting topic to discuss (here), in my opinion.

Must be doin sumthin right
I'm sorry it was just a joke. I'm very neutral on Bing Crosby and you're right I don't know for a fact that he beat his children

I do think White Christmas tips the scales to lame though and like you I'm also very susceptible to being manipulated by sincere feel good movies. White Christmas is my aunt's favorite movie of all time

Trouble with a capital "T"
Bing's from my state, so he has to be cool Neat thread Cob, I've been following it.

Sing Street (2016)
seeing how this is set in the 1980s, I might catch this one at some time.

White Christmas (1954)
I've only seen this once and that was couple years ago, I liked it, it's very splashy and bright.

I do prefer Holiday Inn (1942) some great dance numbers with Bing and Fred Astaire in that one. Is that the movie where Fred does a drunken dance number (and dances it like he's drunk)?

I do prefer Holiday Inn (1942) some great dance numbers with Bing and Fred Astaire in that one. Is that the movie where Fred does a drunken dance number (and dances it like he's drunk)?
Yes, it is!

And then he doesn't remember the girl he danced with anymore because he was too drunk and it all becomes a hilarious spin on Cinderella (the fairytale, not the Disney film, which was made later of course).

I do think White Christmas tips the scales to lame though and like you I'm also very susceptible to being manipulated by sincere feel good movies. White Christmas is my aunt's favorite movie of all time
The only truly lame thing about White Christmas for me is probably the love affair with all its misunderstandings between Crosby and Clooney, which admittedly is a pretty large aspect of the film.
I forgave it because of the great dance numbers (Vera-Ellen is simply stunning), some good bits of comedy and the whole sentimental plot regarding the general, which I was somehow genuinely moved by.

But yeah, I can see where you're coming from.

#3 - Fireworks a.k.a. Hana-bi (1997) ~ January 5

Beautiful, deeply felt and highly original film. Fantastic editing. Loved it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You going ratingless in the new year Cob? Just curious.

I felt the same exact way about Sing Street. Fine watch, nothing more, nothing less.

I haven't seen White Christmas since my teens. I should give it a look next year. I always enjoyed watching it with my mom, one of her faves. Good musical numbers. I don't think I cared about the story a lick, but I will get back to you in December.

#4 - Anatomy of a Murder (1959) ~ January 14

Anatomy of a Murder is an extremely cynical movie at its core that is surprisingly easy and light to watch. The film is masterful in pretty much every single way it needs to be. This mix of jazz music, thoughtful directing and fantastic acting performances completely works.

It's a particularly interesting film for people to study today. It observes brilliantly how the so-called "truth" is often simply in the hands of the person who puts up the best show. Sophism at its most entertaining!