The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


The People's Republic of Clogher
Woo, and furthermore, hoo. The West Wing was my #10 making it just the second of my picks to chart.

Cliff Notes version - Seasons 1-4 were some of the best TV I've ever seen. Seasons 5-7 were jarring in how disappointing they were. I finished a marathon boxset watch just last week so it's all fresh in my head.

If The West Wing had ended when Sorkin left, the show would have made my top three easily.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I love (that's right, Guap) "I Love Lucy". I had it 7th. I wouldn't have placed it so high if I hadn't rewatched several shows two years ago, but I did and they were actually much funnier than I remembered. Lucy was of course the chief scene stealer, but Desi, William Frawley and Vivian Vance were also funny too, and a series of big stars (William Holden, John Wayne, Bob Hope, Orson Welles, Rock Hudson, Harpo Marx, etc.) turned up as themselves to add to Lucy's crazy behavior.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
63. The West Wing (1999-2006)

Hey, there's another one I voted for! I love this speech!

My list so far:

3. Dragon Ball Z
11. Family Guy
13. The West Wing
25. C.S.I. (Las Vegas)

I expect to see at least 10 more shows of my list on top 50, probably 2 or 3 of them in the top 10 but let's see!

FINALLY this list is starting to live and breathe again.

I had I Love Lucy at #10.

It was a weird addition to my list because I originally had no plans to put it on there as I don't watch it ... hardly ever anymore. And NOT A LOT in the past. But it came to my mind and I figured it needed the help points-wise and DESERVED to be on this list. And I liked it a lot when I watched it. So I added it and put it kind of high on my list.


1. The Golden Girls
10. I Love Lucy
15. 3rd Rock From The Sun
24. Family Guy
25. Max Headroom (1 point show)

Seen a few Quantum Leaps, decent show as was The Rockford Files. I Love Lucy is my favourite of the last four. Like I said somewhere else , Lucille Ball was definitely a groundbreaking comedienne . Not seen The West Wing, but thinking I might line it up for when I have my foot op and I'm imprisoned in my own house for a few weeks!

Never watched I Love Lucy, or Quantum Leap and haven't even heard of The Rockford Files. I did like The West Wing though, i honestly expected it to make the top half at least. It wasn't close to making my list mainly because i haven't watched enough of it, i watched up to the Presidents; Secrataries funeral whenever that was.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
West Wing was the one show I wanted to get to specifically for this list. All the talk over the years and knowing it was Sorkin, I was sure I would love it. I did after the first season but it soon lost steam and felt repetitive to me. I wonder if I will ever love another 25 episode a season show. They just seem to have so much filler to me in the day and age of the 12 episode season. Oh well.

Lucy didn't make my list but it is fun and iconic and I am happy to see it.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
This is a list of favorite tv shows so I Love Lucy placed where it placed, but any list of iconic and influential tv shows and it would have to place much much higher. Take Will & Grace for example; it's just a revised modern day take on the I Love Lucy show.

I really admire Lucille Ball and all that she did. She was far more than just a funny comedian.

Never seen The West Wing but it looks interesting to me. I'm getting quite a list of shows I want to see now. Too bad they take far more commitment to watch than a movie does.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Citizen Rule's recap of the last 4 shows.

Rockford Files...I watched it as a kid, but didn't vote for it.

West Wing...Never seen it.

Quantum Leap.
..Never seen it. But GBG has convinced me to watch it

I Love Lucy
...Believe it or not I've never seen a complete episode.
On the show Laverne & Shirley they paid tribute with several I Love Lucy style episodes.

I Love Lucy is only the 4th show from this list that I've seen, and I've probably seen every episode. I thought about voting for it, and probably should have.

Haven't seen The West Wing.

This is a list of favorite tv shows so I Love Lucy placed where it placed, but any list of iconic and influential tv shows and it would have to place much much higher. Take Will & Grace for example; it's just a revised modern day take on the I Love Lucy show.

I really admire Lucille Ball and all that she did. She was far more than just a funny comedian.
this is very true, I Love Lucy must be the mother of American tv family sitcoms and Lucille had a profound influence on women in comedy. Anyone who doubts her influence beyond comedy should read up on Desilu

Yeah, seriously, Miss Vicky. Read up. Put down that Tom Petty biography and go read up on Desilu.

I love (that's right, Guap) "I Love Lucy". I had it 7th.
Now you are using it in the way I expect for it is used. You claim you love the show and put it into your top 10 favorite shows of all time, that's exactly the way I expect for the word love to be used in regards to TV shows, so there is no reason to say "that's right, Guap".

eh, the west wing is alright but aaron sorkin's dialogue annoys me.

i love lucy is pretty good, but i didn't watch it as much as i watched a lot of other classic sitcoms.