Why Do You Post Here?


You can't win an argument just by being right!
This. It's like having friends all over the world that you can have chats with when you have a bit of time during the day. I came here 12 2/5th years ago (according to the stats) after the BBC film boards closed down, and my fellow poster there Tacitus invited me here. I left for months once after I was having a tough time in my life, but I came back and everyone was so lovely and welcoming now I can't ever leave. I admire and respect Yoda and his mods for the intelligent way they balance the greater good of the site with the people within it.
Wow I had no idea you and Tac knew each other for so long and before mofo, Christine.

Wow I had no idea you and Tac knew each other for so long and before mofo, Christine.
Yeah we had a lovely community on the BBC film board. Have friends in real life from there even now. One of them came to stay with us from New Jersey recently.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Joined out of love for film.

I tend to not watch loads of movies these days and have drifted into reading and TV series. Hollywood is part of the problem too as there don't seem to be as many films these days worthy of discussion, it's all comic book movies these days. Sure when Star Wars drops, or Nolan s next big film, or game of thrones then the discussion will heat up but for now it's about heading into miscellaneous to see what's a cookin.

Like Iro said it's become a habit. On my daily route through the Internet. Also I love the countdowns.
Speaking of Countdowns I think it's fast becoming time for another "All Time" top 100 countdown, the last one was 2010 I think just before I came here and now many of those voters have gone and a new wave has come in, plus the imdb refugee's. Of course you could make it a once a decade event and start the countdown in 2020, votes to be in by 31st Dec 2019 and post the results twice per week or thereabouts so it last the whole year.

I post on this g0dd@mn site so I can tell all of you @#&%ers to go #%&! yourselves! And that all your #@&#ing stupid movies $uck! That's why!
Two years I've been doing this $#%@ now and tonight's my second anniversary "Friday night bash."
So bottoms up all you &$%#ing b!otches!
Now that the terrorist attacks thread is closed I hope you will also discuss movies on this forum

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Kinship. I've always joined many groups, sometimes to take one thread and post it everywhere, to see the comparisons. And in the Craigslist group, someone sent me a message saying a lot of people like my type of movies, and then I came, and it was true!

Aside from the movies and other topics, I like the people here.

Every act of censorship is another victory for terrorism.
If you're implying the thread closure is censorship, that's utter nonsense. First, because this forum is private property. Second, because the thread's been open a year and has over 1,300 posts. And third, because all of those supposedly "censored" opinions are being left up, in perpetuity, for anyone to see.

So what's being censored, exactly? Seeing that exact same opinion expressed again? You think if you express an opinion 100 times, but don't get to do so a 101st time, you've been "censored"?

FYI: this post should not be taken as an invitation to litigate the decision. But I need to point at, if only once, how utterly ridiculous this charge is. I'm sure people will whisper and gossip and re-affirm to one another that they're all martyrs for the cause. I can't stop such self-serving myth making, but I can point out how irrational it is.

If you're implying the thread closure is censorship, that's utter nonsense. First, because this forum is private property. Second, because the thread's been open a year and has over 1,300 posts. And third, because all of those supposedly "censored" opinions are being left up, in perpetuity, for anyone to see.

So what's being censored, exactly? Seeing that exact same opinion expressed again? You think if you express an opinion 100 times, but don't get to do so a 101st time, you've been "censored"?

FYI: this post should not be taken as an invitation to litigate the decision. But I need to point at, if only once, how utterly ridiculous this charge is. I'm sure people will whisper and gossip and re-affirm to one another that they're all martyrs for the cause. I can't stop such self-serving myth making, but I can point out how irrational it is.
That result is unavoidable when you close a thread with a topic that has a worldwide agenda against it from being discussed honestly. It is a topic that is consistently stifled all over moderated forums because it is too volatile in the sense that a large portion of the population does not want the truth even as they are horrified by the recurring consequences of trying to avoid, ignore, deny or excuse it.

As said, the thread's been open a year with 1300 posts - how is that a reason to close it? (I know, it's the same thing over and over - reaffirming positions is the nature of debate, plus the fact that the attacks keep occurring over and over, thus reigniting the outrage, the condolences and the discussions.)

The thread is (or was) a current events news and discussion thread within the Miscellaneous Chat section. What's being censored is the conversation. If new threads are formed after the next attack, are they also to be closed? If not, then why close one that consolidated new news items in one place?

When I joined in 2012 I was very much into film and I though other places like IMDB and that arthouse site whose name I forgot (oh yeah, Mubi) were boring or pretentious (Mubi).

By late 2013 I lost serious interest in live action film. Now am I mostly interested in graphic novels and animation yet I still like to post about what I have been reading and watching.

I got into many fights here as well, mainly because of my lack of understanding of anglophone culture. And now since I understand Anglophone culture better (since this is an anglophone forum) I understand now why they happened. And I hope I will use this knowledge so that fights will not happen again.

That result is unavoidable when you close a thread with a topic that has a worldwide agenda against it from being discussed honestly. It is a topic that is consistently stifled all over moderated forums because it is too volatile in the sense that a large portion of the population does not want the truth even as they are horrified by the recurring consequences of trying to avoid, ignore, deny or excuse it.
No, it's too volatile in the sense that people can't discuss it in good faith. It inevitably devolves into repetitive, apocalyptic rhetoric and personal attacks, as it has here. This can't be laid at the feet of a "worldwide agenda," because nobody makes people do those things.

As said, the thread's been open a year with 1300 posts - how is that a reason to close it? (I know, it's the same thing over and over - reaffirming positions is the nature of debate, plus the fact that the attacks keep occurring over and over, thus reigniting the outrage, the condolences and the discussions.)
No, responding to counterarguments is the nature of debate: reaffirming your position is the nature of proselytizing and stonewalling. The thread was closed after examples of this (as well as the repeated, overt personalization of disagreements) had manifestly increased.

What I'm not seeing in your response is any attempt to reconcile these facts with the "censorship" charge, by the way. You say why close it now: I'll throw the same question back. Why close it now, if censoring this view was the idea? Why leave those views up, if censoring them was the idea? It doesn't make a lick of sense, which means "censorship" is just a loaded term used to express displeasure with the decision, but not something which actually describes it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why Do I Post Here?

And because MoFo usually has a friendly community feel.

And because MoFo is the best site on the internet!

That's suppose to be the internet

I've never been a member of another forum and I never had any interest in joining any. I don't use Facebook or twitter either. I happened upon this site by accident and spent some time looking at the movie questions sub forum. I joined for some reason and didn't post much for about the first year and a half. Then I joined a song tournament and MoFo has been a part of my daily life ever since. It's my biggest hobby, even more so than movie watching. The most important thing is it allows me to have a social life while maintaining a busy schedule.

Personally, I began posting post the past public forums I posted in 'cause it was practically impossible to post postive posts that was passable as anything else than prejudice and problematic pointlessness 'cause of poor personalities in people and poor presence within the platform, which was a pain and I pulled the plug on my past postings to pursue paralleled places with added patience and personality, which made me pass the public place of MoFo, which prior to the point of this thread was perfect but now treads previous problems predominantly... pretty paradoxical, right?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL MM. I read that with explosive pronunciation.

Welcome to the human race...
Sorry everyone, now that I'm not allowed to complain about The Terrorists anymore, I guess I have to quit this place forever.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Personally, I began posting post the past public forums I posted in 'cause it was practically impossible to post postive posts that was passable as anything else than prejudice and problematic pointlessness 'cause of poor personalities in people and poor presence within the platform, which was a pain and I pulled the plug on my past postings to pursue paralleled places with added patience and personality, which made me pass the public place of MoFo, which prior to the point of this thread was perfect but now treads previous problems predominantly... pretty paradoxical, right?
MM, did you go to the Stan Lee School of alliteration?

But no, there's a lot of really cool, knowledgeable people on here that really make you feel welcome. I've actually been on here for around 3 years now, this is actually my second account.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Another movie based forum was closing due to the site being bought by some company and them not liking the un-moderated aspects of it. Literally typed in movie forums into google, came here, haven't left.

Been here almost 12 years now. I feel like MoFo has been a part of and witnesses a lot of important moments in my life (Graduation, Marriage, Death of pet, First Child, etc)
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I used to post on rottentomatoes yeeeeears ago before they changed the format from a catchall listing to segregating then to only the associated movie pages. Oddly, I never migrated to IMDb. I guess I was just so bitter that I never bothered looking. Too, I guess IMDb was the enemy on some branded matter of principle or something. I guess? I don't remember.

I bounce around between gaming and political forums. Both are ghost towns now. A few months ago I googled a description of a movie I saw back in college during a campus movie night, hoping to find the name of it and this site came up with a dedicated questions forum. That got my attention.

I pop in here probably more than I should, stalking the top-posts of each tab to see if I have anything interesting to add. Mostly though, I'm just watching, or sniping low-hanging fruit for a quick laugh. I can see this becoming long term though, growing into something more. I love movies. Always have, since I was a kid. Mom would often take me to a Sunday afternoon matinee. We both found escape there, and I always enjoyed spending time with mom like that. Matter of fact, whenever I go visit for the holidays or whatever, I make sure to take her to a least one movie while I'm there.

Movies are an escape for me. If ever I get stressed the hell out, I can buy a ticket to any underrated or older movie at the end of its cinema life cycle and just disappear for an hour or three. It always clears my head. Coming to these forums I see that, while you may not have the same sentimental reactions as I do watching movies, you all in one way or another have a deep love or respect for them. For whatever your reasons are. I can appreciate that on a weirdly deep level. And I can in an even weirder way, feel part of something---at least in ways that I don't normally experience within my local circle of friends and acquaintances.

So that's neat. I guess. The politics are a bit distracting as I catch myself floating around those posts more than the movie-themed topics, but I'm sure that's mostly out of practice and newness of the site in general to me. Hopefully I can learn more about the motives of some of you here, as I find most of you terribly interesting.

So yeah. I know this may not have been the exact intent of the OP, but thanks for posting the question all the same.