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11 years HERE

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Mumbai/Bombay Location
History , military and defence , writing movie reviews Interests
doctor ( general practitioner ) Occupation
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 5
  1. 03-19-19
    Deleted that post. Just because it was phrased as a joke doesn't change the warning.
  2. 03-15-19
    This is the last time I'm going to issue a warning about dragging every thread back onto your general issues with Islam. If you want to discuss those kinds of issues, primarily, there are other forums about that topic that I assume you already frequent. This one's mostly for movies, and occasionally reacting to world events when they happen. That's it.
  3. 02-14-19
    I've removed that post. The fact that something happened on Valentine's Day doesn't make it on-topic for a thread about the day. Clearly just an attempt to keep having the terrorist thread exist in other threads.
  4. 10-17-15
    Oh, you're from India - you live there! That's really cool. I've seen very few movies actually about India, per se, but a lot of great movies have been shot there, of course. Thanks for the response. Keep on posting!
ashdoc has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
The Kerala Story   5/05/23
The plans to bring them into the jehadi fold are elaborate to say the least--from regular verbal bombardment a

The Kashmir Files   6/07/22
For it is in Kashmir that he gets to meet his grandfather's friends who show him the files which tell the real

Sir   11/17/20
The movie is about the chemistry between an upper class guy named Ashwin played by Vivek Gomber and his maid n

Malang   9/08/20
Not only does Disha Patani who plays Sara have a stunning body which is exposed in short clothes and bikinis ,

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