The Videogames Tab


Alan Wake

You Guys Need to play that game. It's like a movie but a video game.

If you like horror Buy IT!
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Well, I went ahead and grabbed Assassin's Creed 2 for 10$ off the PSN store. Had all the DLC included. So far, so good. Really like having a town, still not too great with the free-running.
It's the best in the series, I think - Addressed all the weaknesses from AC1 and didn't add too much bloat, unlike the subsequent AC games.

I just wish the AC games were a bit more stealth-oriented, like a 3rd person Dishonored.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

A system of cells interlinked
Already did!

Weak ending - otherwise, a fantastic game.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
Stunning looking but dull, for me. Not tried American Nightmares but both games seem to go on sale every other week on Steam and GOG.

Dunno about Assassin's Creed. I've never played any of them. I'd like to just straight into part 1 but i'm not sure if that would be wise.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I did not like Assassin's Creed one bit. Getting more into Far Cry 3, I guess it takes me awhile to get into those types of FPS games, same thing happened with Dead Island, which I am letting gain dust right now.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Alan Wake

You Guys Need to play that game. It's like a movie but a video game.

If you like horror Buy IT!

If you really want a movie-like video game, pick up Heavy Rain. It's a PS3 exclusive, but it's so amazing. It's basically an interactive movie, where all your input matters, good or bad. It's a lot of quick-time events, and even when you screw up, the game moves on through those mistakes. If characters die, they stay dead the rest of the game, no exceptions. It's a moving story as well, with great characters and amazing graphical detail. I urge you to play this game if you want a true movie-like experience.

That's not to knock Alan Wake, however, since that game is fun, chilling, and solid in its own right.

Hmm, I might check out this Alan Wake. How does it compare to, say, the Resi games? Speaking of Resi, is part 6 any good? I heard it got panned by top game mags.

Finished Infamous 2 on evil mode (it is called Infamous after all), great game, lots of fun crazy **** to do, great graphics and a story that got more engaging and interesting towards the end. Superpowers have never been more fun. Think i'm going to start Uncharted 3 before I play the good guy, though.

The People's Republic of Clogher
It's more Resi 4/5 than Resi 1/2/3 - Not really Survival Horror but more of an action game with loud scares. Dead Space-ish. The only Survival Horrors nowadays seem to come from smaller studios. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is epic.

I've been having a bad time with my PC peripherals recently. First, I dropped my G500 mouse on a stone floor and last week I spilled herbal tea all over my G510 keyboard which, despite half a can of WD40, rendered it next to useless.

The mouse replacement was a Razer Naga which I liked for a few days then found it cramped my hand up something rotten so it's going on eBay. I've replaced it with a Steelseries Kana - Cheap and pretty basic for a gaming mouse but it's comfy and light as a feather, which I like because I use a claw grip.

The keyboard has just been replaced by another Steelseries product, a 6Gv2 mechanical. No bells, whistles or macro keys either, just a solid, heavy bit of kit. Loving it so far, but I'd forgotten just how noisy mech keyboards were.

It's a lot smaller than the Logitech keyboard too (because there's no bloat such as macro keys or useless LCD displays) and reminds me a bit of my old Saitek Eclipse.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
It's more Resi 4/5 than Resi 1/2/3 - Not really Survival Horror but more of an action game with loud scares. Dead Space-ish. The only Survival Horrors nowadays seem to come from smaller studios. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is epic.

I've been having a bad time with my PC peripherals recently. First, I dropped my G500 mouse on a stone floor and last week I spilled herbal tea all over my G510 keyboard which, despite half a can of WD40, rendered it next to useless.

The mouse replacement was a Razer Naga which I liked for a few days then found it cramped my hand up something rotten so it's going on eBay. I've replaced it with a Steelseries Kana - Cheap and pretty basic for a gaming mouse but it's comfy and light as a feather, which I like because I use a claw grip.

The keyboard has just been replaced by another Steelseries product, a 6Gv2 mechanical. No bells, whistles or macro keys either, just a solid, heavy bit of kit. Loving it so far, but I'd forgotten just how noisy mech keyboards were.

It's a lot smaller than the Logitech keyboard too (because there's no bloat such as macro keys or useless LCD displays) and reminds me a bit of my old Saitek Eclipse.

Holy crap, that looks like the keyboard on my desktop, no lie

The People's Republic of Clogher
I like its simplicity. It's lovely to use, too - keys have a long throw and feel almost 'analogue' to press. Key illumination would make it perfect but I'm just gonna have to get a better lamp.

A lot of quote-unquote Gaming keyboards these days just look embarrassing. Vidi:

I dunno whether to type with it or to send John Connor after it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Just put in an hour with my new mouse and I'm loving it. No cramping like the ergonomically styled Razer had and without the myriad of extra buttons to confuse you like the Logitech.

Ideally I'd want another Logitech MX518, which was just perfection, but they stopped making it a while back. The Kana is pretty close though, the only obvious drawback I can see is that the DPI adjusts in steps of 600 - 800, 1600 then 3200. The Logitechs and Razers have much more precise DPI sliders.

No biggie, though. 1600 is fine for me.

Right, Hitman: Porno Nun Trailer is downloading and it's horrible weather outside. I love lazy Saturday afternoons.

It's more Resi 4/5 than Resi 1/2/3 - Not really Survival Horror but more of an action game with loud scares. Dead Space-ish. The only Survival Horrors nowadays seem to come from smaller studios. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is epic.
Think i'm going to check out this Amnesia, i'm proper craving for a bit of survival horror, me. I did some research, and apparently Resi Revelations is closer to 1, 3 and 3 in that it's actually supposedly frightening and scary and features limited weapons/ammo. I'll purchase that asap.

That said, I did adore Resi 4. I felt that had the right mix of the series scares with some decent action. Action oriented but still challenging with a creepy atmosphere. It's probably my third favourite out of them all.

I can't get into Dead Space. It's a good game, but something about it sort of just makes me go 'meh'.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Only played the first one and I thought it was well made but couldn't find anything to actually enjoy in it.

Amnesia, on the other hand, is a gem. Extremely atmospheric - I'll not say 'scary' because that's too subjective. Don't play it if you need a wee, though.

The guys behind Dear Esther (another gem) are making Amnesia 2...

The only other Survival Horrors I've played this gen which I rate are from the same studio as Amnesia, the Penumbra games. They're not as polished though.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Oo, Fallout 3 xbox download for around a tenner?

Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
Oo, Fallout 3 xbox download for around a tenner?

Be prepared for some prime Big Neeson voicing. Unfortunately he doesn't say "I will find you ... and I will kill you. That's what I do."

Bethesda do pull in some good talent for their voice acting. Malcolm McDowell is also in there, and not stinking the place out either.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Playing Psychonauts for the first time ever. First impressions: it's creative, fun, and trippy in some places. Gameplay's solid, the story's entertaining, the dialogue is witty and pretty damn funny at points. The only thing that bugs me is the overworld. It's confusing to navigate for the most part, since there are no real landmarks on the map to look out for. You have to find everything by the seat of your wit, which I've managed to do for certain areas, but it still kinda throws me off. Other than that, it's a good game so far. Can't wait to see what else is in store.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Be prepared for some prime Big Neeson voicing. Unfortunately he doesn't say "I will find you ... and I will kill you. That's what I do."

Bethesda do pull in some good talent for their voice acting. Malcolm McDowell is also in there, and not stinking the place out either.
I am eager! Have heard all the good word here, and liked the 40's snarky-stylings of the initial Fallout when downloaded from GOG.

Unfortunately it's DLing less than 10% an hour, so may be some time ...