The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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You read that right: exact same number of points, exact same number of lists. Unforgiven ends up higher because it was first on two ballots, and Halloween on none.

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Loved "Persona" -- when the husband recognizes the other woman, I took this as a question to the audience. What is the essence of a person? It seems like Bergman is telling me that it's not appearance, but the things we can't see that is identifiable.

Liked "Silence of the Lambs"

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Holy crap! 2 from my list! The best unveil day ever!

Had Unforgiven at 17, Halloween at 23.

Here's my list and odds of the rest

1. Better show
2. Won't show
3. Will Show
4. No chance
5. Will Show
6. Should have shown
7. Won't show but irritated it didnt
8. How did this not show
9. Forrest Gump
10. Too Arthouse for this list
11. Never had a chance
12. North by Northwest
13. Easy show
14. Surprising no show
15. Surprising miss
16. Had no chance
17. Unforgiven
18. How did this not make it?
19. Silence of Lambs
20. Probably a fringe pick to make the list to begin with
21. Should make still?
22. Should have been on
23. Halloween
24. Braveheart
25. Didn't make it

I'm sure there'll be a few happy-chappies (and chappesses) seeing Halloween show up, I think it's ok but it's never been a particular favourite of mine.

Happy to see Unforgiven still make the list, even if it has dropped a fair bit, it was my #3 on the westerns ballot.

Seen: 47/58 (Own: 20/58)
My list:  

Faildictions (Eternal vsn 1.0):
42. Incendies (2010)
41. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really need to see Unforgiven again. I liked it when I saw it, but I remember nothing about it outside of who is it.

My thoughts on Halloween aren't going to surprise anyone who has been around here more than a couple minutes.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes for either. Despite my general fondness for John Carpenter, I've always regarded Halloween with some sort of remove. It's never been my favourite horror, my favourite slasher, or my favourite Carpenter - as good as it is, I feel like everything about it has been done better before or since. Unforgiven is a legit favourite that made my last top 100 - a brutal deconstruction of the Western shot through with Eastwood's classic no-nonsense sensibilities that is definitely the best film he ever directed and a prime contender for the best he ever appeared in.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Halloween made it! and #5 on my list

My Summary:
Seen: 18/58

My List  
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

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Wow. EVERYBODY got Silence of the Lambs wrong.

Halloween is one of the more frightening movies I've seen, and manages to get into Michael's almost supernatural invulnerability without any speck of campiness.

Unforgiven isn't perfect. The characters are typical and Richard Harris' character hardly had to be there. That aside, it's a fantastic movie.

Great picks again. I suppose I'm gonna be saying that a lot from now on.

Unforgiven is easily my favorite western and it barely missed my Top 25 (had it at #27). I've seen it a bunch of times and every time I find myself more captured by the nuances in the performances and the way it flips the traditional western. It's great.

Halloween is my #4 horror film. It's another film that the more I see, the more I appreciate how well constructed it is. When you look at it past the endless sequels and the imitators, it really is a neatly directed film. However, I had it at #70.

Still, I'm happy to see both pop up here.
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My reaction to all but two of the films from the last 3 reveals can be summed up with "seen a long time ago, don't remember much except I liked them to varying degrees." I don't count myself as much of a horror fan so I'm still yet to see The Exorcist or Halloween.

My list predictions:

1. Magnolia (#74)
2. Yep
3. Yep
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#92)
5. Never had a chance
6. Too late for it now
7. Harold and Maude (#90)
8. Singin' in the Rain (#64)
9. Come and See (#54)
10. Paris, Texas (#75)
11. There Will Be Blood (#60)
12. Probably
13. Doubt it at this point
14. Hopes dwindling
15. The Apartment (#84)
16. Sadly no
17. Gone With the Wind (#55)
18. Not this high
19. 100%
20. Never had a chance
21. Would have thought so, but seems to be too late now
22. Gets lots of love around here but looks like a no
23. City of God (#61)
24. Surprising omission
25. Too cool for school

A system of cells interlinked
Surprised to see Unforgiven this low - thought it was a shoe-in for Top 25, for sure.

Unforgiven was on my list at #12. Fantastic screenplay from David Webb Peoples, excellent performances across the board, and a brilliant deconstruction of the Western genre.

Silence is a great flick, but did not make my list.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

or my favourite Carpenter - as good as it is, I feel like everything about it has been done better before or since.
This, same as with Linklater and Dazed and Confused . Happy to see him get the rub but wish it would have been for something else.

Halloween was #17 on the MoFo '70s List as well as #6 on the MoFo Horror List while Unforgiven was #12 on the MoFo '90s List and #3 on the MoFo Westerns List.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

My Summary:

Seen: 49/58
My list: 4/25

My List  

Halloween is one of the films from my teens that I ended up watching so much, it ultimately provided the understanding that films (at least good ones) have a rhythm and a motion similar to music, and it's only through multiple viewings that unearth this properly. On it's surface, Halloween is about as simple as any film can get. It even feels almost painfully ordinary as much of the movie spends its time clinging to highschool friends walking to school, talking on the phone, going for drives, watching television. What makes it so magnetic then? Almost nothing seems to be happening. It's certainly partially the performances, and a bit more credit can be given to John Carpenter's score (as minimalist as the film itself). And let's not forget about the omen of coming violence that is the shape of Michael Myers breathing heavily off screen. But there is something else going on just beneath the surface, how the precise editing and motion of the camera, that lives inside of what should be an ordinary day, feels as if it is about to break. That the lives of these three girls may suddenly stop skipping over the waters of potential tragedy, and finally break the monotony of their presumed safety, only just to stop and sink into oblivion. By the twentieth viewing you can feel this propulsion, sense the coming cataclysm, even if Carpenter's technique is almost invisible. 25 viewings, your humming the coming homicides like a jaunty tune you have stuck in your head. And by the 30th viewing in a row, each day after you get home from school, you just might have OD'd enough on Halloween that you don't even consider it for your list. But you remember how it important it was in understanding anything about film.

Unforgiven is one of the rare movies that won for best picture in the last thirty years that means anything to me. It's understanding of the empty pose of violence, it's hopelessness at solving anything, and the smallness it makes of the men it gets in its clutches, couldn't be better articulated, nor by a more perfect director at the time. Eastwood crumbles the mythology of his Man With No Name like an eggshell in his hand, breaking into pieces just as swiftly as the mythology of violence that so many in the myth of the West cloak themselves in like some kind of invulnerability cloak. The trouncing of English Bob sets the score for the passing of some kind of Butch Boy baton thoughout the movie, and it moves from having an almost farcical cast to it, to an undeniably tragic one. A masterpiece....also not on my list.

My reaction to all but two of the films from the last 3 reveals can be summed up with "seen a long time ago, don't remember much except I liked them to varying degrees." I don't count myself as much of a horror fan so I'm still yet to see The Exorcist or Halloween.

My list predictions:

1. Magnolia (#74)
2. Yep
3. Yep
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#92)
5. Never had a chance
6. Too late for it now
7. Harold and Maude (#90)
8. Singin' in the Rain (#64)
9. Come and See (#54)
10. Paris, Texas (#75)
11. There Will Be Blood (#60)
12. Probably
13. Doubt it at this point
14. Hopes dwindling
15. The Apartment (#84)
16. Sadly no
17. Gone With the Wind (#55)
18. Not this high
19. 100%
20. Never had a chance
21. Would have thought so, but seems to be too late now
22. Gets lots of love around here but looks like a no
23. City of God (#61)
24. Surprising omission
25. Too cool for school
I'll play!

1. 100% chance. Probably Top 20?
2. 95% chance. Probably in the 30s-40s.
3. 100% chance. Top 5, probably.
4. 100% chance. Top 10.
5. 100% chance. Top 5, probably.
6. The Silence of the Lambs (#46)
7. Mulholland Drive (#66)
8. 100% chance. Probably Top 20?
9. 70% chance. 30s-40s, maybe?
10. 95% chance. Probably in the 30s-40s.
11. 0% chance. I'm sure most people haven't seen it.
12. There Will Be Blood (#60)
13. 55% chance. If it does, it will be in the next 40s, but maybe not.
14. 100% chance. Probably 30s-20s.
15. 100% chance. Probably 30s-40s.
16. Die Hard (#63)
17. 45% chance. 40s?
18. 100% chance. Probably 30s-40s.
19. 60% chance. I thought it was a lock-in, but now I'm not so sure. If it does, probably in the 40s?
20. 20% chance. If it does, would be in the 40s.
21. 85% chance. 30s?
22. 100% chance. Probably Top 20?
23. 50% chance. 40s?
24. 10% chance.
25. 95% chance. Probably in the 30s.

Haven't seen Persona

Silence of the Lambs is a pretty outstanding movie that did not make my top 25 but it is one of my
movies. There isn't much to say about Anthony's performance that hasn't already been said. It's captivating. He's not even in the movie that much but he's so good when he is that he feels like he's in it a lot. Might be my favorite Jodie role (Maverick?). The first time I saw Caged Heat I knew that this was a director (Demme) to keep an eye on. He went in a little different direction than I expected but it seems to have worked for him.

Halloween is totally slipping a little for me. Still a solid
but when it comes to slashers I want a little more chaos and messiness a little earlier than Halloween delivers (after the opening scene of course). Yeah, the glut of slashers right after it has changed my expectations a bit. But, it's still a fantastic movie and I manage a watch every year.

Unforgiven - Nothing wrong with this one.
I love how there isn't a good guy in it (in his prime Morgan's character, who seems to have settled down, not a good guy). When I see a movie like this I almost always pull for the most bad ass of the bad asses and on that note Unforgiven delivers. This is the last great role for Clint and is far and away his best movie as a director.

Seen 50/58 so far.