Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Inglis's Avatar
J.Lo = Jennifer Lopez
JLaw= Jennifer Lawrence

so down with the kids.
Everything is abbreviated. Texting and so forth. I can do - haha Lol and OMG, that's it

When I first watched it I thought it was kind of cliche and stupid, but I watched it again last night and it is really good. The CGI is top quality and Chris Pratt did really good.
Mad Max Fury road is trash

I have to return some videotapes...
Family Plot (1976) -

I think by this point, Hitch was a little outdated, there were so many more edgier films coming out and I just don't think he could keep up. This film is not terrible like your led to believe from the opening 30 minutes. It gets better, but it ultimately is just underwhelming, especially being his swan song.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


Bringing to life such a wellknown and loved story is always going to be difficult-so i tried to keep that in mind while watching.
However,this movie did nothing for me. first off i found the actress who played cinderella to have no charistma whatsoever-the dresses she wore were awful and looked like cheap barbie clothing.not to mention she looked like she had trouble breathing in that dress which was wound or photoshopped so tight it just made her look wrong.Also with the changes they made in the movie they could have put some effort into atleast making her look slightly different when she went to the ball since no one was supposed to recognize her-even superman had glasses atleast.wether it be her looking dirty when she was the maid at home or whatever,but she looked just the same apart from some curls. Speaking of making changes,they basicly cut out all the animals-no fun. They also made the stepmom look alot less scary and pretty ordinary-pretty even.and the cat was just an ordinary grey cat.

i liked Helena as the fairy Godmother,and i liked the mice for the short screentime they had.

Blood Punch (2014) -

A fun, interesting, enjoyable low budget flick.

Dolls (1987) -

A very fun 80s horror flick, really enjoyed this movie as a kid and still holds up even though the acting is pretty awful on some parts.

The Break In (2016) -

Very lame found footage flick, posted a full review for it in my Horror Movie Review thread.

So tonight I'm doing the Don't sleep challenge, which is not a challenge, it's just stupid. And I decided to rewatch Tarzan, men that's one hell of a movie. I love the music so much, and I just so it in HD and the colors are amazing, and the rest of the movie was so nostalgic.
Glad I rewatched it.

So tonight I'm doing the Don't sleep challenge, which is not a challenge, it's just stupid. And I decided to rewatch Tarzan, men that's one hell of a movie. I love the music so much, and I just so it in HD and the colors are amazing, and the rest of the movie was so nostalgic.
Glad I rewatched it.
Im doing the same thing tonight lol, Tarzan is awesome, had the soundtrack when i was a kid and would listen to it all the time.

When I first watched it I thought it was kind of cliche and stupid, but I watched it again last night and it is really good. The CGI is top quality and Chris Pratt did really good.
I kind of had the opposite reaction to this movie. The first time I saw it, I liked it a lot more than I did the second time. After I saw it in theatres I remember playing devil's advocate with the haters, but then when it came out on video and I gave it another go, I kind of agreed with all the their critiques.

Do love Chris Pratt and the velociraptors though.


first off,the characters are so weird and shady acting that you wait for a twist to explain it,but that never happenes. apparantly they were supposed to be weird and unlikable from the get go.

This is not a horror movie,nothing like you would think by looking at the poster.
for those who have seen the trailer-you`ve basicly seen the whole movie-things dont start happening until 1:20 and the movie is done 1:30.and the things that do happened then, which apparantly is the whole point of the movie-you already know about. It never went anywhere..ANYWHERE.

i want my money back.

But it's got Phillip Seymour Hoffman! It must be good! Wait... that is him in the top right corner isn't it?

Na, but seriously, just make a video of yourself smashing it and upload it onto youtube. Maybe someday a youtube partnership will earn you that money back.

Inglis's Avatar
Slums of Beverly Hills

Interesting to say to the least. I never knew of the movie beforehand, though with a new internet provider I saw it advertised. Big stars like the Women which I like in the Orange is the new black series - Natasha Lyonne. I should've had a drink while I watched. I believe it would've more beneficial for me. It was so so!


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Freaks of Nature

So much potential was wasted on a mediocre execution. Freaks of Nature could have, should have and would have been a really fun romp with the genre and despite the pace of the film being set to go for most of the running time, lazy editing and shortcuts in the writing leave me a little than more underwhelmed.

Zombies, Vampires and Humans coexists in the small down of Dillford. The zombies have shock collars on them if they try to eat humans and are given janitorial type jobs. Vampires and humans hate each other, but put their differences aside to live their lives. When the arrival of aliens throws everything out the window in a royal rumble of sorts between the three different "species", it's up to three teenagers, one vampire, one zombie and one human, to get the town's life back to "normal".

What a wild and interesting premise. Backed up by a comedic supporting cast including Denis Leary, Bob Odenkirk, Joan Cusack, Patton Oswalt and Keegan-Michael Key in small but decent roles, Freaks of Nature seemed destined to be a cult comedy hit. Yet the sporadic writing and uneven editing end of hurting it. Some of the jokes hit, some misfire completely and the film never really reaches the absurdity of the premise. Strong performances from the three leads was surprising and fuel the film with funny gore effects. Vampires literally explode gallons of blood everywhere once they are staked. One character is eaten alive and never manages to "die" or pass out from the carnage, he comments on why he is still alive as the zombies eat his guts, or put his guts back to eat another part of his body. These little funny moments are few and far between.

I'm not sure if I enjoyed A Scout's Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse more or not, but both of those films feel similar in humour and structure. Freaks is nowhere near as smart of funny as it thinks it is. Stronger writing and a more keen sense of direction could have elevated this film into that cult status that it desperately wants to be part of. I'm a little disappointed it took the lazy route.

It also doesn't live up to that awesome poster.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

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Unregistered User
The Thin Blue Line (1988) -
+ How wrong you were Camo
Captured (1959) -

2 Guns (2013) -
Bowling for Columbine (2002) -

Conviction (2010) -
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The Thin Blue Line (1988) -
+ How wrong you were Camo
It is just me pretty much then . At least i don't hate The Thin Blue Line unlike Bowling For Columbine

But it's got Phillip Seymour Hoffman! It must be good! Wait... that is him in the top right corner isn't it?

Na, but seriously, just make a video of yourself smashing it and upload it onto youtube. Maybe someday a youtube partnership will earn you that money back.

hah,i fear in these days that would only promote it

Welcome to the human race...
1900 -

Like a considerably less tolerable Once Upon a Time in America..
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
The Haunting (1999) - 1/10 - I couldn't find anything to enjoy about this movie; not the acting, the story, the dialogue, the music, the VFX...I just couldn't bring myself to like it in the least.

Floating Weeds (1959)

From the Ebert list is this movie from director Ozu. It's in color, and while I usually prefer his movies in black and white, color suited this movie very well. It's a little different then other Ozu movies I've seen, as far as the character relations and dynamics, and I very much appreciated that. It's not as powerful as Tokyo Story, Late Spring, or An Autumn Afternoon, but it does have it's moments. It's beautiful to look at and I loved the Toshiro Mifune reference.