The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wait, what? You rate it 4.5 but "didn't think much of it"?
I was thinking the same thing. I gave it a 4/5, it made my list and will probably be in my top 10 of the year when I finalize it.

The Lego movie was fun, visually stunning and I loved how they actually went with a "stop-motion kind of look" as it defiantly works for a movie about Lego. Unfortunately, I felt it got lost in itself at the end, but that's typical for the directors. The same happened in 22 Jump Street, which had a last act that felt totally out of place and taken too far... Lego Movie is overall decent flick though!

I considered Snow White for my list, especially since it's so well done for it's time and being the ultimate Disney classic and all... But I kind of knew it would get votes, so I made room for more of which I didn't. Glad to see it this high!

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

3, 2, 1. Go

Have you heard the news, everyone's talking
Life is good 'cause everything's awesome
Lost my job, it's a new opportunity
More free time for my awesome community

I feel more awesome than an awesome possum
Dip my body in chocolate frostin'
Three years later, wash off the frostin'
Smellin' like a blossom, everything is awesome
Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes
It's awesome to win, and it's awesome to lose (it's awesome to lose)

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I, gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

Blue skies, bouncy springs
We just named two awesome things
A Nobel prize, a piece of string
You know what's awesome? EVERYTHING!

Dogs with fleas, allergies,
A book of Greek antiquities
Brand new pants, a very old vest
Awesome items are the best

Trees, frogs, clogs
They're awesome
Rocks, clocks, and socks
They're awesome
Figs, and jigs, and twigs
That's awesome
Everything you see, or think, or say
Is awesome

Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream

I love the Lego Movie!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I had The Lego Movie at #14. It's not perfect but it's pretty awesome. It's the little details and Lego in-jokes that make this film more than the over-arching 'everyone is special' storyline. I know the 'live-action' sequence is divisive, but I thought it was great; I loved the way they just smashed the fourth wall right open and I thought it was set up right from the start with them finding real-world non-Lego objects. Benny the 80s spaceman and his inability to get on with modern voice-recognition technology was brilliant, and the ending was hilarious.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I love The Lego Movie because it was such a fun movie. It was #20 on my list.

I was sure that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was on my list, but I just checked my notes, and somehow it got cut in the very last round of cuts. I have no idea what I was thinking at the time.

44. Perfect Blue
+ One of the few effective animated thrillers.
43. Porco Rosso
Easily one of the greatest animations ever made.
42. How the Grinch Stole Christmas - watched it ages ago, don't remember anything
41. Waking Life
Pretentious and overrated.
40. Frozen
39. Howl's Moving Castle

38. Kiki's Delivery Service

37. The Little Mermaid
(I already said am I not a big fan of Disney )
36. Coraline
35. Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers
34. Rango
33. Alice in Wonderland

32. The Lego Movie
31. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Master of My Domain
The Lego Movie was my 18th.

As a lot of people did when I walked into the theater I expected a giant full-feature length toy commercial that would barely support its length with character development and plot shoved aside only to focus on the toys and gadgets they wanted you to buy. The only reason why I went to watch it was because if childhood memories of playing with Legos and creating adventures.

Like my last film I wrote about in this thread, Rango, I was surprised. It seems to as if I only have films on my list that I at first I was totally not expecting anything good but end being totally mesmerized.

First of all I was impressed on how deep, down to earth and colorful the characters could be. Each line from each character was unique and the thing in common is that they're all hilarious and memorable.

The story is the clichéd ordinary-guy-learns-he's-special-and-becomes-hero but I didn't care one bit. Actually I liked the story being that way, because that wasn't all of the film. There were tasty twists, scenes, and a lot of creative ideas that when you think about it, were developed from the basis of the cliche.

And lastly the guilty thing is I admit that the toy commercial aspect worked really well. I wanted to become a kid and buy a bunch of Legos afterwards... but it also proves that it's even know of an extraordinary film.

31 is WAAAAYYYY too low for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

We're talking about the very first Disney motion picture here.

31? Way too low. Especially since I know there's bound to be a bunch of stupid, unheard of crap coming up next.

Snow White was on my list at #3.


1. Alice in Wonderland
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
4. The Little Mermaid
5. A Scanner Darkly
6. Yellow Submarine
8. All Dogs Go To Heaven
9. 101 Dalmatians
10. The Jungle Book
13. Lady and the Tramp
18. Kiki's Delivery Service
24. Bambi
25. Grace (one pointer)

Gosh. I hope my #7 shows up. It SHOULD because it's really well known, but it might not. If that shows up, all of 1-10 on my list will have made it. Actually, up to 15 should all be there.

I wasn't even planning on ever seeing The Lego Movie, but boy was I happy that my mom rented it and we watched it as a family. It started out shaky for me, but by the end I was completely into it. I found it to have some clever ideas, despite the main plot being pretty cliched. I was in tears at the end and loved how they fit in the real world with the lego world. I think I had this movie in the teens for my list. My biggest surprise of 2014.

Not much to say about Snow White, a classic I enjoy, but not enough to put on my list. Favorite song "It's Off to Work We Go."

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Snow White was my NUMBER 20. It is the very first film I ever saw in a theater (my theater had a re-release sometime in the nineties). I actually haven't seen this in probably over ten years, but luckily it is a film that I have seen so many times previously that it's very easy to remember how awesome it is. I'll have to see it another time surely. When I was a kid, I remember having figurines of all the seven dwarfs. I remember even Bashfuls face would turn red. The seven dwarfs rule. Oh, and the granny witch was sure frightening.

Snow White was my NUMBER 20. It is the very first film I ever saw in a theater (my theater had a re-release sometime in the nineties).
There was a re-release in 1993 everywhere, I believe. In fact, it says so on Wiki.

I went to the movies to see it then, too.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Rango is one of my absolute favorite animated films. It's something of a gateway western, since it has a broad appeal amongst those not indoctrinated into the genre. Upon seeing it, that included me as well. It features great voice talent, a surprisingly intelligent script and, of course, Jake the Snake.

Snow White makes sense where it is and is a good movie to boot, but I both never especially cared for it and haven't seen it in years (meaning that it deserves a rewatch, if nothing else). I have no qualms with it.

The Lego Movie very easily could have been a 90 minute toy commercial, yet surprisingly became one of the best films in a surprisingly strong year for the medium. It's intelligent, fun and surprisingly trippy near the end. My brother, when first shown the movie, commented halfway through that "it's so awesome because it's exactly what a ten-year-old playing with Legos would come up with." Subtler visual gags sprinkled throughout the film also reward repeated viewings. The destruction of Cloud Cuckoo Land is surprisingly one of the most memorable and devastating scenes from any 2014 released film.
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Arcanis' 100 Favorite Films: 2015 Edition

Yes, this list definitely breaks my heart.

Over the Hedge was my #01
The Adventures Of Tintin was my #15.
The Brave Little Toaster was my #34.
Ice Age was my #03.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes, this list definitely breaks my heart.

Over the Hedge was my #01
The Adventures Of Tintin was my #15.
The Brave Little Toaster was my #34.
Ice Age was my #03.

I know how you feel.

Over the Hedge was my #9
The Adventures Of Tintin was my #10
The Brave Little Toaster was my #24
Ice Age was my #13

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Nothing to say because I would have said this:
They're both good enough to make my list but they didn't, if that makes any sense.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is #6 on my list and like SC and rauldc14, I can't believe it's in the 30s range. Only the second of my top ten to make it so far.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."