The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Arrival is a really great intelligent Sci-Fi with a fabulous concept of time. Just missed out on my ballot.

Wolf of Wall Street is a hoot but was never going to be anywhere near my ballot.

Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street was on my ballot at number nineteen, good for nine of its 261 points. It is the second Scorsese picture I voted for, joining Silence (Hugo is also in my top hundred of the decade). Marty examines yet another aspect of New York City's colorfully complicated history, and while there are no traditional gangsters the criminality, excesses, and psychopathy of Jordan Belfort and his fellow stockbrokers is just as outrageous, dazzling, and darkly funny. DiCaprio is in top form and Margot Robbie became an international star. As with GoodFellas Scorsese's cinematic gifts illuminate the allure of the subculture and then makes the viewer complicit in enjoying the rise and fall of a very unlikeable and loathsome real-life figure.

Scorsese (Silence/Wolf) and Iñárritu (Birdman/Revenant) are two of the four filmmakers I doubled up on in my votes.

4. Incendies (#30)
5. Take Shelter (#67)
6. The Artist (#87)
8. Silence (#43)
9. Birdman (#21)
10. The Revenant (#53)
11. The Favourite (#61)
14. Nightcrawler (#55)
15. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (#72)
17. The Wolf of Wall Street (#11)
19. Silver Linings Playbook (#24)
21. Room (#97)
22. True Grit (#40)
24. Get Out (#19)

That is fourteen of my choices and I should still have six of the collective Top Ten mirrored on my ballot.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Down to the top ten, should have two more...we'll see

My ballot:  

Never heard of : 29 / 90
Seen: 40 / 90
1 ptrs: 4

Arrival is my #8 and one of my favorite close encounter films, love it!
The Wolf of Wall Street is fun, in my top 100 of the decade but I prefer Wall Street '87 by Oliver Stone.
The white Lambo however is one of my favorite cars of all time.

SEEN 73/90
BALLOT 19/25

Hint Leaderboard (Final Rankings)

rauldc14: 7
Torgo: 7

Apex Predator: 5
Chypmunk: 4
MovieMeditation: 4
KeyserCorleone: 2
Thief: 2
Citizen Rules: 1
Deschain: 1
Little Ash: 1
Burning: 1
Miss Vicky: 1
seanc: 1
Thursday Next: 1

I commented on Arrival on that podcast I did with @Yoda. Overall, it's a pretty good film, but it's not one I clicked with and it's probably near the bottom of my Villeneuve ranking (all of them are pretty good, though). I don't know if it's the fact that I figured out the "twist" halfway through, so that kinda deflated me, but I've been meaning to rewatch it to see if I can see it with a different perspective. What I will say is what I said on that podcast, the scene where Amy Adams and co. board the ship for the first time is one of the most nerve-wracking, intense scenes I've experienced on any film.

The Wolf of Wall Street is not very different. Another finely crafted, well acted film that I just didn't click with that much. Most people here know my feelings about Scorsese and this was no exception. Overall, I had fun with it but it's not a film that stuck with me or that I've felt revisiting afterwards.

Here's where I'm at, including the chances for the rest of my list...

Seen: 68/90

My ballot:  

Readjusted percentages, once again.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Ha! I just read my Arrival review on Letterboxd, and I was reminded of something that happened while I was watching it. As the film was entering the third act, power went out, and that led to a sort of disconnect from me. Weird.

Here is the link for the review, if anyone's interested.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Also, I have a feeling that like 4 films from my ballot will have placed in the 101-110 range. I'm actually baffled on how some of these missed.

3 of the top 10 will be from my list.
3 from mine, as well, and one that I'm still on the fence on whether it will make it or not.

I've got two in the top ten, because all you Her doubters are wrong, damn it.
There were only two movies from the 2010s that cracked the MoFo Top 100 of All-Time reboot: The Tree of Life and Her. That list was just compiled in 2020. There is no way enough MoFos had Her on their all-time ballot to crack the top hundred on that list but somehow forgot about it when it came to its decade.

Of course Her is on this list. And now we know it is in the Top Ten.

Arrival is great! It was on and off my list a few times and ended up not making the cut but like Florida Project it didn’t need my help. I’ve only seen it once and now I really wanna rewatch it.

Wolf of Wall Street made my list. Top 5 Scorsese for me. The idea of making a movie specifically to mock stock bro and some would say con artist Jordan Belfort’s memoir because of how absurd and narcissistic it is tickles me to no end.

I've got only one more movie on my ballot showing up in the top 10. Maybe one other one might pull off a coup and end up in the top 10 instead of 110-101, but that seems unlikely.

The span from 22-13 had four movies from my ballot, only matched by the run of four movies in the 99-91 movie range.

I suspect the top 10 will be anti-climactic for me just in terms of what movies I generally prefer watching.

Seen: 30 - Drive - This movie was alright, not a fan of it.

Not Seen: 57 - Shoplifters, It's Such a Beautiful Day, Phantom Thread, The Florida Project, The Master, Arrival, The Wolf of Wall Street

My Ballot so far:

#1 - The Avengers
#5 - Deadpool
#6 - Easy A
#10 - Guardians of the Galaxy
#25 - One Pointer: Purge: Election Year
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Arrival is good, mass-entertainment sci-fi. It's good there's still some mass entertainment stuff of quality out there.

Similar to the Scorsese discussion that happened with The Irishman, I know people say it's good, but I just can't build up the interest to see it because of my general "eh, it was okay response," I've had to his movies for the past few decades.

A system of cells interlinked
Ah, finally, it has arrived...

Arrival was my #3. Earlier in the thread, I wrote an account of my theater experience with Gravity, and that we had seen the film with another couple we know. A year after that, we all decided to try going to the movies together again, this time, with a sure-to-be-a-hit alien invasion flick. Talk about deja-vu! About half-way through the film, the husband was checking his watch, and the wife was shifting around in her seat. In their defense, Arrival is a slow burn of a film. I can see why it would bore some viewers. It's one of these films that you can really sit and think about as you watch it, with sparse dialogue and a slow tension that builds as the film moves along. The situation surrounding the main character informs a somber atmosphere. As with Gravity, someone in my family had recently passed, this time my wife's father, so she was greatly affected by this a film, and its wonderful, subtle approach to treasuring the time we have with our loved ones, even if, and especially when it gets cut short. The couple? The didn't like it. From that point onward, when we watch films with these folks, we chose lighter, more fun fare.

The direction and scene construction in Arrival film is superb. The term Hitchcockian gets applied a lot to films, but Arrival is one of the only films in recent memory to which that label is justified. Hitch was famous for his approach to what he called audience manipulation, which he saw as a sort of cinematic slight of hand, whereby the audience was subtly steered into creating their own narrative as to what was going on. Afterward, at some point, Hitch would pull the curtain back and expose what was really going on, at which time the viewer would realize what they thought was happening was never really the case.

There be spoilers ahead!

Villeneuve uses this technique right from the jump, and at least with this viewer, it worked perfectly. After a heart-wrenching opening montage, we see Louise begin to go through her day, and she is sort of adrift and detached, someone just going through the motions of a life that is no longer worth living. it only makes sense that we are watching the aftermath of her family tragedy. Her linguistics class is disturbed by phone notifications and fidgeting students, one of which asks her to turn on the news. Everything that unfolds after this seems like a linear chain of events concerned with the arrival of, and eventual study of multiple alien spacecraft that position themselves around the planet. The use of color highlights greys and cold steel blues, with darkness and misery closing around Louise from all sides, and she seems fairly unconcerned with what is going on until she is paid a visit by some military personnel who wish to recruit her in an effort to help learn to communicate with the aliens. Even this doesn't seem to stir much emotion or reaction from Louise. Why should it? She has lost her daughter, and is a shell of a person.

Of course, this isn't the case at all. Anyone who has seen the film knows that what eventually unfolds is a beautiful denouement that reveals it self in an emotional moment of clarity that the audience experiences along with Louise: All the events of the Arrival were before Louise's lost child was even conceived. The final, almost poetic scenes reveal her choice to proceed with the impending romance and eventual birth of her child, even though she has seen the future, and knows her child's life will be fleeting. She chooses to spend what little time she can with her child, rather than to never know the love shared between parent and child.

Add to this affecting emotional storytelling spectacular cinematography, a haunting score, excellent acting from all involved, and a creative take on alien design, and you have what is in my opinion, not only one of the very best of the decade, but one of the best science fiction films of all time. As with Gravity, This film should probably slide up a slot on my ballot, and my #1 film is perhaps better placed in my Top 10 rather than my Top 3, but I wanted to get extra points in for a film that looks like it will now make Top 10 overall.

I re-watched The Wolf of Wall Street before ballot submission, and while I like some of the performances, and of course Scorsese's energy in the film making, some of the scenes are too over the top (the lude scene with Jonah Hill especially), it's a bit overlong, and ultimately, ended up getting cut fairly early from my ballot.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Looks like I will have five in the top ten, which of course makes me feel like a populist fraud. All you mofos with lamenting that you only have ten movies on the countdown, I’m jealous of that kind of individuality.