The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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For one of them, yes, probably. For the other, harder to say.
I'm just gonna say the clue was crap when the fillums are revealed tbh

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

  • 77 points
  • 7 lists
82. 8 ½


Federico Fellini, 1963


Marcello Mastroianni, Claudia Cardinale, Anouk Aimée, Sandra Milo

  • 78 points
  • 5 lists
81. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


George Roy Hill, 1968


Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross, Strother Martin

Just wanna say I really like how these two posters, in particular, look with the presentation (I often take a look at poster alternatives before posting and pick the best ones in case the defaults we have aren't as flattering, so that helps a bit).

8 1/2 was my number 18. I didn't vote for the other, but it's still an incredible film. My favorite Paul Newman (and GRH) movie is The Sting.

Welcome to the human race...
Good picks, alright. is excellent and would probably crack my top 100, whereas Butch & Sundance wouldn't but is still very good (top 500, probably).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
8 1/2 is just a film I never got the love for. Would much rather a film like Seventh Seal had made it.

Butch is ok and it was pretty much going to make this list anyways, so at least it's over. But it's not anywhere near one of the 100 best films.

I mine as well throw away the chance of most of my list appearing here.

There was me and a couple others saying if an MCU movies makes it, it'd be somewhere between 100 and 80...
Now into the top 80, and no MCU yet

Has an Avengers movie really cracked the top 80?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
At this point, there's no way one has made it. I mean I do hope I'm wrong but I can't see any of them garnering this many points

Just wanna say I really like how these two posters, in particular, look with the presentation (I often take a look at poster alternatives before posting and pick the best ones in case the defaults we have aren't as flattering, so that helps a bit).
Yeah, it's pretty cool. I hadn't noticed the "glow" thing, until you mentioned it about a hundred pages ago but the ones right before you mentioned it (Her and Braveheart) look really, really good with that thing.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Haven't seen 8 1/2 and can't explain why. Remember enjoying Butch & Sundance, but that was long ago and don't remember a lot. A revisit is in store.

16/20 seen
1/14 on clues
1/25 off list

#22 Harold & Maude (4 pts - #90)

Yeah, dreadful clue

is another I've not yet seen. I'm a little slow in getting to Fellini: love Le notti di Cabiria, like La Strada, lukewarm on La Dolce Vita but that's all I've seen of his thus far.

Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid is a lovely watch, very nearly made my Westerns ballot (might've done had I rewatched it) so happy enough to see it place here.

Seen: 15/20 (Own: 4/20)
My list:  

Faildictions (Eternal vsn 1.0):
80. Dial M For Murder (1954)
79. Aliens (1986)

It's actually kinda exciting to think about it tbh.
The most influential movie franchise of not only our time, but probably in history... even though they're mainly non-threatening mainstream fluff...

... but might not make the MoFo Top 100... and if it does, it's made it into a higher placement than stuff like Enter The Dragon, and Butch Cassidy.

I haven't seen 8 1/2 in a while, but I remember being mesmerized by its dream-like quality. Reminded me a bit of Lynch films like Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead, or other similar films where you're not really sure what's going on, but you're emotionally captivated anyway. I didn't vote for it, though. Should probably rewatch it.

I saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid for the first time several years ago and I liked it a lot. Didn't make my Top 25 or Top 100, but it's an extremely enjoyable film with great performances and chemistry between Redford and Newman.

There was me and a couple others saying if an MCU movies makes it, it'd be somewhere between 100 and 80...
Now into the top 80, and no MCU yet

Has an Avengers movie really cracked the top 80?
Oh there coming , the newbies that didn't make the 2010 list are taking ova lol
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Welcome to the human race...
It's actually kinda exciting to think about it tbh.
The most influential movie franchise of not only our time, but probably in history... even though they're mainly non-threatening mainstream fluff...

... but might not make the MoFo Top 100... and if it does, it's made it into a higher placement than stuff like Enter The Dragon, and Butch Cassidy.
"Influential" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this post.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have seen Butch Cassidy two or three times over the years. Definitely a solid 4/5. Has some really memorable scenes and who can argue with the leads being great. Love it, glad it's here, not in my 100.

I have seen 8 1/2 twice since coming to Mofo. Loved it the second time. Definitely consider it a favorite now, but it needs another watch or two to crack my 25. Solidly in the last quarter of my 100 though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Either Mofo has changed a ton in the last year or some of you are seriously overestimating how we line up with regular movie folk. Judging from the list so far I think it's the latter.