Another new guy here


they call me mr wayno
Just joined the forum and wanted to say Hey! I'm Wayne, a software developer living in San Antonio, Texas.

I was a member of another movie forum back around '04, and a few of us splintered off and I hosted a different movie forum in '11. We kept that one going for a while, but membership dropped dramatically over the past couple of years, so I've opted to close that one at the end of Feb. In the mean time, one of my fellow members recommended this site, so here I am.

As for movies, I'm primarily a sci-fi, comedy, and drama fan. Hallmark movies? Fuhgeddaboudit. My favorite director is Akira Kurosawa (Yojimbo, Seven Samurai).

Looking forward to getting to know y'all.
Watch the blinking cursor. See how relaxed it makes you feel. Wayno's opinions are now your own. You can't imagine why you ever felt otherwise.

Oh, and a seasonal addition: we just opened the Oscar picks pool yesterday. Each year we all try to pick the winners and whoever gets the most wins a movie. Free to play, highly encouraged!

We also hold a live annual Oscar chat the night of the ceremony; this'll be our 10th year. That's a lot of fun, so I hope you'll join us.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Welcome New Guy Wayne!....Good to have you here at the best forum on the internet! There's tons of neat stuff to do, just poke around and you'll see and oh, btw....

Hallmark movies rule!

I can see the images, both in my post, and in your quote. Plus, I checked it on my cell phone, and I can see both images there too.

Can anyone else see the images?
I see it just fine.

Do you have some kind of adblock/virus program or anything, CR?

Oh, and welcome to the OP.

they call me mr wayno
Good to see you over here Wayno, it's Q here.

So this is where you've been hiding!