The Veg*nism Thread


I think that position is a good one to have whether you are an evolutionist or a creationist. I also think that no matter which of these categories you fit in you can agree there is a natural food chain, you agree?
The food chain says nothing about ethics.

Originally Posted by Swan
The question is, are fish food because they taste good?
Food is anything edible. You can eat sh*t, but just because you can eat it doesn't mean you should.

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin
I don't put animals on the same level of humans. I think it's silly and offensive to compare my joy of eating animals to your enjoyment of raping people.

Originally Posted by Daniel M
Well there we go then, a strange sense of superiority. The illusion that our species is special and above others. We all live, we all die. We should aim to improve all the lives animals have whilst they are on earth. You could just have easily have been born been a fish, or a cow, or whatever.

And there we go, another deliberate attempt to avoid a serious discussion and provide me with any logical reason by not only making a joke like comment, but making a completely false and disgusting accusation.

Originally Posted by seanc
Yeah, I have no problem with stopping eating meat and I think there are constructive conversations to be had concerning the way we process it. I do have a problem with us going after people as if eating meat is not a natural part of the species.
It's a dangerous assumption founded on inconsistent logic and poor evidence.

Originally Posted by seanc
Meat eating is as old as mankind, whenever you believe that beginning is, so to begin to think meat eaters are morally reprehensible is going against the natural progression you claim to be purporting.
Again, humanity is rooted in a history of RAPE, by the same logic it's unfair to point moral fingers at RAPISTS.

To me, there is very little difference from a fish and a vegetable, they are food
To me, there is very little difference from a baby and a vegetable, they are food.


Originally Posted by TONGO
I havent been pinned on anything. I dont think theres anything wrong in eating fish,
WHY? You've made a claim, so justify it.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Dont go judging a vegetarian fish eater though, because you have no case or cause to judge them.
WE DO, as Daniel and I have explained.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I do think that in part it is natural. But the over consumption and supply and demand, economic creation of meat products that we see today has come about more as a result of human profit rather than fulfilling our needs. But just because something is, or has been natural, I don't think it should just continue without question. A lot of actions are determined by needs, but needs change over time, and we discover new things that alter our decision making process.

I think there's a difference between believing eat meat is morally wrong, and believing a person that would do so is a morally reprehensible person.
I can get on board with all of that. Well said.

Are you saying that whales and porpoises are fish? Because they're not. They're mammals.
Yes I know that Vicky. I shouldnt have listed those two as an example, but they came to mind easier than a stingray or a mullet.

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin
I don't put animals on the same level of humans. I think it's silly and offensive to compare my joy of eating animals to your enjoyment of raping people.
Omnizoa - Prejudice.


Originally Posted by TONGO
To me, there is very little difference from a fish and a vegetable, they are food
Omnizoa -To me, there is very little difference from a baby and a vegetable, they are food.



You lost your argument. Whatever you say, trust me, it will be unheard. As unheard as I obviously have been to you.

Pescatarians aren't vegetarians. The two concepts are mutually exclusive.
Pescatarians? Ok thank you. No Im not gonna read his first post. : )

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The food chain says nothing about ethics.
Then what does? As a scientific thinker I am only allowed to draw truths from observable evidence. My intelligenceand emotion must play no part in truth. What am I making my ethical position on foid consumption based on.

Again, humanity is rooted in a history of RAPE, by the same logic it's unfair to point moral fingers at RAPISTS.
Saying mankind has eaten meat since the beginning is a poor assumption and has inconsistent logic but saying weare rooted in a history of rape proves a moral point about meat eating.

Someone isn't as good at debate as he thinks he is.

It is always nice to hear evolutionists say these things, too bad they don't argue like they believe them.

I digress though, because creationists often argue as though the existence of God can be proven as well, even though it can not.
Then you admit, creationism is unfalsifiable.

The question was of arrogance. Scientists can and will concede they are wrong provided they are proven so, Creationists cannot be proven wrong and therefor will not concede to being wrong.

Originally Posted by TONGO
In-Group Bias.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Reductio Ad Absurdum.

TONGO, you've demonstrated that you're incapable of carrying this conversation. You fail to recognize tenable arguments and even worse, fail to recognize fallacies even after I've explained them to you.

You've ignored key points of the conversation and hypocritically argued past me.

I'm going to ignore you until you can address and concede the two points I've linked.

Originally Posted by seanc
Then what does? As a scientific thinker I am only allowed to draw truths from observable evidence. My intelligenceand emotion must play no part in truth. What am I making my ethical position on foid consumption based on.
Morality has always been about well-being.

You value your own well-being, but you're not so selfish as to limit it to just yourself, yet you draw the line at species. This is an In-Group Bias.

Originally Posted by seanc
Saying mankind has eaten meat since the beginning is a poor assumption and has inconsistent logic but saying weare rooted in a history of rape proves a moral point about meat eating.

Someone isn't as good at debate as he thinks he is.
You're arguing that it's natural. Pursuing sustenance is just as natural as pursuing sex, yet we accept that there are lines we should not cross in our pursuit of sex, but make no such distinction with our diets.

It's an irrefutable double standard.


Well, it's the sort of thing that excuses all other things, you know?

I mean, there are people who let their sexual drives get the better of them and that's when you get rape and molestation. I've met those sorts of people and heard them explain how much they "need" it. You get the same with carnists, "we need to eat meat", and yet here I stand as proof to the contrary.

Tests of willpower are certainly no peculiarity when it comes to life, I'm convinced the vast majority of people in this world follow the path of least resistance whether they realize it or not. I've heard a lot of people explain that "we need religion" because without it they'd feel hopeless.

I think we all need to challenge our own preconceptions and that takes self-discipline.

I certainly didn't become vegan with any help, my own family were detractors, but they exist within an echo chamber where their views are either unenforced or reinforced. They're no room for free thought and criticism. It's like that in much of the world.
oh blimey, I agree with challenging our own preconceptions certainly, but comparing uncurbed sexual desires that lead to illegal acts isn't quite in the same league as having an extra piece of cake. 'Needing' to eat meat isn't the same as 'needing' to rape someone. That's too much of an extreme comparison sorry.

Please DO NOT construe my position as closed to criticism. Criticism is invaluable.
thank you

re freegan

I for one have gone many days on little food because I was short on money and there were little to no vegan alternatives. As I explained, freeganism can account for this in part.
well I think we've all done that. Veganism is probably the cheapest diet if you're skint. I remember having just a few francs left and still a few days before I could leave Belgium back when I was young and too proud to ask for help. Two days eating porridge oats and water got me by.

Couldn't tell you about them, I support vegan products.
ah ok. Just think it's an interesting subject. Probably one for a different thread.

Then what does? As a scientific thinker I am only allowed to draw truths from observable evidence. My intelligenceand emotion must play no part in truth. What am I making my ethical position on foid consumption based on.
But you can't draw moral truths from observable evidence, it would be what David Hume called a naturalistic fallacy. You can't derive an ought from an is.

The scientific truth in itself isn't good or bad, you need a norm (utilitarianism for instance) to judge the facts and to say which is good and which is bad. That is the basis of ethics.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Then you admit, creationism is unfalsifiable.

The question was of arrogance. Scientists can and will concede they are wrong provided they are proven so, Creationists cannot be proven wrong and therefor will not concede to being wrong.
Science has the same problem of a beginning. Yet they build big expensive labs where they manipulate matter and then say" see told you so". Yeah, creationists are the only ones fighting the problem of arrogance.

You're arguing that it's natural. Pursuing sustenance is just as natural as pursuing sex, yet we accept that there are lines we should not cross in our pursuit of sex, but make no such distinction with our diets.
We don't? How many cannibals do you know? How many cat and dog eaters? Citizen just made a whole post about his distinctions, ones I would largely agree with.

oh blimey, I agree with challenging our own preconceptions certainly, but comparing uncurbed sexual desires that lead to illegal acts isn't quite in the same league as having an extra piece of cake. 'Needing' to eat meat isn't the same as 'needing' to rape someone. That's too much of an extreme comparison sorry.
They're both natural compulsions, christine. We know compulsions can have disastrous consequences. It's a fair comparison which is difficult to accept because it means attaching similarly extreme negative qualities to actions you already perform.

This a formal argument called Reductio Ad Absurdum.

In a similar manner you could say you don't find anything wrong with giving people gifts.

That seems perfectly acceptable on the surface, but if the gifts are guns and the recipients are trigger-happy lunatics, then you can see where the assertion that "all gifts are good" breaks down.

There is no such thing as "too extreme" of a comparison so long as it retains the logical operators unpinning both arguments.

I'll demonstrate the same argument with the desert island scenario:

You suggested that in the moment that it would be okay to kill and eat a deer to save our own life.

Logically then, you would also kill and eat a human baby to save your own life.

Take this baby:

Babies are the easiest example to make, everyone agrees that cruelty to babies is monstrous. But why?

Because they're cute? There are ugly humans we can eat.
Because they're young? There are old humans we can eat.
Because they're humans? That's In-Group Bias.

But you can't draw moral truths from observable evidence, it would be what David Hume called a naturalistic fallacy.
I completely disagree.

Originally Posted by seanc
Science has the same problem of a beginning. Yet they build big expensive labs where they manipulate matter and then say" see told you so". Yeah, creationists are the only ones fighting the problem of arrogance.
There are doubtlessly arrogant scientists, but you said the idea of evolution was arrogant.

Originally Posted by seanc
We don't? How many cannibals do you know? How many cat and dog eaters? Citizen just made a whole post about his distinctions, ones I would largely agree with.
Exactly, so what are you drawing the line at? Cats, dogs, and humans? That's entirely arbitrary.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
There are doubtlessly arrogant scientists, but you said the idea of evolution was arrogant.
Did I? If so I didn't mean to. Anytime I used the word arrogamt it was in response to your assertion that people without the same moral principles as you are arrogant.

Exactly, so what are you drawing the line at? Cats, dogs, and humans? That's entirely arbitrary.
Is it? Or have we evolved to it.

Then you're completely wrong, You should read or google about the naturalistic fallacy, here's a quote from Hume that explains it.

''In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with, I have always remark'd, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary ways of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when all of a sudden I am surpriz'd to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, 'tis necessary that it shou'd be observ'd and explain'd; and at the same time that a reason should be given; for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it''

I don't have a problem with vegans or vegetarians until they start putting themselves aggressively in that ''I don't eat meat'' frame.
I knew a girl who was not only vegan but I think she didn't even eat anything fried, however, she never told me numerous times that she's vegan and if you invite her over and cook something non-vegan, she is happy to try it.

I don't eat fish or most seafood for that matter but I never felt the need to find a trendy ''term'' for my eating habits.Also, I'm happy to try seafood/fish meal if whoever made it says I might enjoy it.

It's the people who walk into Starbucks and loudly announce to the server that they're vegan that everyone dislikes. Or laughs at.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

I don't have a problem with vegans or vegetarians until they start putting themselves aggressively in that ''I don't eat meat'' frame.
I knew a girl who was not only vegan but I think she didn't even eat anything fried, however, she never told me numerous times that she's vegan and if you invite her over and cook something non-vegan, she is happy to try it.

I don't eat fish or most seafood for that matter but I never felt the need to find a trendy ''term'' for my eating habits.Also, I'm happy to try seafood/fish meal if whoever made it says I might enjoy it.

It's the people who walk into Starbucks and loudly announce to the server that they're vegan that everyone dislikes. Or laughs at.

I always wonder how Bizarre Foods remains on the air in this age of political correctness?
They often show animals being "dispatched" and butchered - not graphically, but they do show some aspects. I also wonder if the show ever has any problems from PETA. Lots of times they show people hunting, catching & killing local animals that are not under any FDA oversight.