The Shoutbox
Well, if you eat enough of it, there's diabetes...

Is the boss getting you down or is the forum on your nerves?
I need "permanently end this shit for life", can gross candy do that?
Act III, do you need some M&Ms?
I guess some trash seriously don't know when to stop. Peace spoken. Message sent. The game is dead.
While I'm at work my hands are tied and I can't say no. So go ahead, take the opportunity to exploit this trap, it's the only chance you'll ever have, you cheap sack of supershit.
Scene for a film.

Haughty Cardinal petulantly reminds Protag that he is to be referred to as "Your eminence."

Suspicious that someone has been munching on his candies, he points at a dish and asks Protag, "Are these M&Ms?!?!"

Protag responds, "Yes, your M&Ms."

And no, you can't have too many M&Ms.
Originally Posted by John McClane
I am eating far too many M&Ms of late
Eating some right now!
Lol at Mr. Minio...
Best movie I've seen in thirty years, TBH.
Anyway, here's a single frame from a Ford film that's better than the entirety of EEAAO.

Originally Posted by Powdered Water
it was the best movie I've seen in 20 years
I can't imagine not watching a single film for 20 years! You could've chosen a better film to break your film celibacy, though!