The Shoutbox
Grindin' (yinWhooof), when you know what I keep in a linin' (yinWhooof)
Fellas better stay in line(yinWhooof)
When you see a fella like me shinin' (Grinding!)
2:59 in.
1:17 to go.

Still averaging 10s per 1 hour. GARSH!!! Alright. Taking a break with some Rick & Morty.
Planned a half day off. Boss stretched a 2-hour gig into 7, playing with Lincoln Logs while everyone else is trying to do surgery. Heading home.
Like sleeves?
I never realized all the empty jewel cases I had accumulated over a lifetime would actually find a use.

Then you realize you spring cleaned them away.

NC man reported to be in a frenzy over....cardboard cd sleeves?
Originally Posted by Sedai
I rode NIO from 3.63 up to 4.23 and then sold.
Nice! Cha-ching.
I loved s1. I mostly enjoyed s2. I've had to start over at 1 to hopefully understand s3.

I rode NIO from 3.63 up to 4.23 and then sold.
And now $bb is popping off. This is the craziest Monday I have seen in a long while.
I watched one episode of West World. It was a world alright.
Gah, $nok popped off 6% today. Why did I sell last week?