The Shoutbox
I do not agree with that sentiment at all.
A guy was just complaining to me that one of the main indicators of how terrible the film industry has become was the existence of the Sonic The Hedgehog movie.
Puddy repatriated - apparently the brain surgery was inconclusive so still not sure whether or not he has one
Originally Posted by John McClane
New Sonic trailer is awesome.
Hi all!
New Sonic trailer is awesome.
Little Debbie is a national treasure.
Snoopy in Space looks wonderful!
Back home, sans puddy
Hopefully get to pick him back up and repatriate him later.
I come from a self-defense school of thought.

I'm not offering any opinions, but if somebody starts questioning the broccoli and chicken, etc...We will address having Little Debbie cater your lunch every day
For anyone that eats around a crowd of co-workers...

What level of analysis do you apply to your fellow employees eating habits?