The Shoutbox
Whenever work on my time machine is complete, I will use it to go back to the 80's and relive Guttenberg's career.
Attempts to contact Guttenberg were futile.

Apparently he ruined his career carrying the torch for O.J.
After you brought up Happy!, I just kept thinking Meloni, Meloni, Meloni.

Then it became Maaaa-Honaaay, Maaaa-Honaaay, Maaaa-Honaaay.

I now have a pilot for a buddy cop movie.
HAPPY! Is pretty dark.
Bro, this is MovieForums. The average user is 45 years old and doesn't give a damn about keeping up with memes or anything - why else do you think your attempts at sh*tposts don't go anywhere (apart from the fact that they suck anyway)?
Originally Posted by Sedai
I used to think that, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Why hello there, 2011.
I used to think that, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Originally Posted by Cynema De Bergerac

Money buys a man's silence for a time.

A bolt in the heart buys it forever.
It's trying to snow here, but it's more like getting hocked loogies from the gods. Big wet ones in your face.

Disappears on the ground within minutes, yet still delays all traffic.
Yay! The snow is here! (HERE, not actually in my town.)
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Great, now the Shoutbox is going to get locked.