The Shoutbox
If you like The Office try out the other Michael Schur fare. I'm not enamored with Brooklyn Nine-Nine but it's decent and gets better as it goes. And The Good Place is solid at first, does something super interesting in the first season finale, and becomes great in the second season.
Trial & Error is the best replacement for Parks and Recreation if you like it/once you're done with it. Just one season so far, second is coming out soon. Gives off a very similar vibe.
That was quite a SHOUT. Damn shame I missed reading it.
Dayum - does that mean I've missed my "oppertunity" to prove I can spell now?
whats are some of the best modern comedies.

no The Office and Parks and Rec suggestions as Ive already seen the office and im watching parks and rec right now.
Spam eradicated. Carry on!
I bet China will get lax on sancations and then we will be back to rocket man and I like big buttons and you cannot lie antics.
Wow. Did he come down on his own?
Look for Minnesota raccoon. Or check out its twitter.
What's the correct spelling? I see racoon and raccoon.
I dunno, but I'm an aardvark. Nice to meet you!