The Shoutbox
****. I've been without HRT since Saturday and I just found out that the doctor I saw last is no longer with the practice. ****
Summer sale?! 50% OFF?!?!
I just completed The Wire again, wow, what a great and complicated show...
paaaaasss the gassy to tha left-one-time!
*passes it straight back, I don't want it
Trying to lock down methane emissions. *passes gas*

Oh shit
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
This is why I still have an old-school 7000+ strong mp3 library of songs that I actually OWN and that don’t self-regulate.
Yeah, most of my 17,000+ song collection is either physical (the vast majority) or in digital format from outside of iTunes as well. As long as I can find workarounds for some of the little niggles with iTunes I'm not averse to purchasing the odd album via that route, this was the first time I've needed to completely exclude certain tracks (filler content basically) and they are not a problem anymore.
Fair enough. Insightful, that.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
This is why I still have an old-school 7000+ strong mp3 library of songs that I actually OWN and that don’t self-regulate.
Yeah, most of my 17,000+ song collection is either physical (the vast majority) or in digital format from outside of iTunes as well. As long as I can find workarounds for some of the little niggles with iTunes I'm not averse to purchasing the odd album via that route, this was the first time I've needed to completely exclude certain tracks (filler content basically) and they are not a problem anymore.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Yay, no thanks to the crappy online 'Help', this morning I've managed to find out how to stop ****ty 'songs' on albums I've purchased within iTunes from automatically playing from the iCloud even though they've been unchecked within the Music app

Wish Apple would employ people that actually use their products sometimes.
This is why I still have an old-school 7000+ strong mp3 library of songs that I actually OWN and that don’t self-regulate.
Yay, no thanks to the crappy online 'Help', this morning I've managed to find out how to stop shitty 'songs' on albums I've purchased within iTunes from automatically playing from the iCloud even though they've been unchecked within the Music app

Wish Apple would employ people that actually use their products sometimes.
OMG is that where it started?!?!