The Shoutbox
Alright. Do any of them answer to “Maude”? If so, ask her “where’s my mother f____n money?!” Tell her, “If she ain’t got it, she better be there to make it!”

I’ll be in clucks.
Well ok then, when the chickens show up. Weird friggin nick name, but whatever floats ur boat.
Call me when the chickens show up.
Originally Posted by xSookieStackhouse
Originally Posted by Allaby
I'm on vacation! Time to party!
holiday from work or going to a vacation?
Holiday from work. I'm not going anywhere. Will likely stay home mostly and watch a lot of movies.
Originally Posted by Allaby
I'm on vacation! Time to party!
holiday from work or going to a vacation?
I'm on vacation! Time to party!
Originally Posted by Austruck
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Half-n-half? Almond milk? Coffeemate?
Half-n-half today. And a packet of Sweet 'n Low. In a ridiculously huge mug filled to the top.

Will Arnett told a story of him and Dax Shephard(?) going to Starbucks and getting these half cream/half coffee drinks. Multiple. At a time.

Like how can you be in public drinking that?
Originally Posted by Rockatansky
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Ice cream?
I’m making room in my “Top 8” for you.

Probably my favorite special, even if it hasn’t aged well. I guess I can cite Bill Cosby “Himself”, instead…oh, guess that doesn’t work either.
Thundering out.
Ughhhh, can't imagine drinking a huge mug just filled with half-n-half and Sweet 'n Low. I'd rather drink coffee.

Or my own vomit.

I would, however, probably take the h-n-h & SnL over someone else's vomit.
