The Shoutbox
You're insane.
Well the face was smiling.
That smiley face has all was looked a bit up itself to me.
Like it knows something we don't. Look at them!!

"I'm right. You're wrong."

"Nah-uh, f*cker, look it up..."
The latter. You sick puppy, you.
You mean "No, you don't" or are you just shaking your head in disgust...?
'Tis the standard excuse for lateness.
I use it all the time when I'm late for the pictures or a baby-drowning shower.
Yeah yeah. I've heard that one before.
Sorry. I'm a bit late replying.
I had to murder a child by drowning it in semen.
AWWW...Chris' wittle baby picture...
But anyways..
Well for me it's Thursday..