The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by resopamenic
Ive been on mofo for solid 1.1 seconds asexual ๐Ÿ™„
That's almost as fast as I can last in bed. /s
i give you 14 seconds
If someone is only a part-time detective is it ok to refer to them as a bit of a d1ck?
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Yesterday was the first I had heard of a new Robinhood movie.

Ben Mendelsohn is not Hans Gruber and Jamie Foxx is no Ellis Boyd Redding.

I can't figure out if Jamie Foxx is still a big deal or not.
It's somewhat amusing that we seem to get Robin Hood movies seemingly for the hell of it (and I guess it helps that it's a public domain property). Same goes for King Arthur, really.

How about when there's another person in said bed?
Originally Posted by resopamenic
Ive been on mofo for solid 1.1 seconds asexual ๐Ÿ™„
That's almost as fast as I can last in bed. /s
Yesterday was the first I had heard of a new Robinhood movie.

Ben Mendelsohn is not Hans Gruber and Jamie Foxx is no Ellis Boyd Redding.

I can't figure out if Jamie Foxx is still a big deal or not.
Tiger Woods strokin' that blade again.
That's cold sister.

Hopefully the movies helped cheer you up a smidge.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
How do you explain dropping a bottle of eye drops during a movie, having them roll a few rows down, picking them up when you leave, opening the door for your friend, turn the corner leaving the theater and hit a 1-2 second window of a face-to-face encounter with a person you know?

There's gotta be some sort of wavelength or frequency that stuff gets transmitted on.

I agree. There have been many times I've randomly run into people, that if something hadn't happened beforehand, I would have missed them.

Or, when you had packed your bags and gotten ready to go to the city to spend time with an old friend (your best and possibly only friend, in fact) over the weekend, because they're visiting on a work trip, and then they tell you last minute that they feel too tired and drained to entertain anyone, and they also have to turn their phone off to avoid roaming charges.

So you spend the weekend alone watching foreign films instead.
That's an example of *not* being on the same vibrational frequency as someone. *sigh* (Yep, that's what happened to me these past couple days.)
Ive been on mofo for solid 1.1 seconds asexual 🙄
I've been on MoFo for a solid 11 minutes gay.