The Shoutbox
If you don't think you can find paradise here, you clearly haven't logged in to a glorious Triple R (reputation, reply, review approval).
If you're looking for paradise maybe you should try something else because you ain't going to find it here. I can settle for normal -spies.
He's not gonna find his paradise.
Goodbye stranger, it's been nice...
We can just reprogram that thing where we read our own usernames I to our avatars. We can choose our own beautiful faces, classic movie stars to hide behind, disturbingly good looking Disney anthros, etc.
Well, you can have it your way and I will have it my way.
I want to be in everyone's pictures,all the time.
I don't want to be in anyones picture, ever. How about you?
Watching Agassi and Roddick take pickleball this serious is something.
Oh man! Sounds it went over better than Rudd’s last movie.
But wee can all agree that SOMEBODY'S top ten here is in fact all taken by Mac and Me.