The Shoutbox
Yeah, that too.
I told him I was going to come over there and give you a big kiss right on the mouth you sexy boy! That'd cheer you up! WooHoo!
And what are you basing your reasoning on?
Bummer man. Hope you feel better. Don't worry, though -- I've got reason to believe you'll cheer up shortly.
It's another depressing day..
"Zoomdaba," he exclaimed with great relish.
Alright I admit it!! It was ME!! And the guy is the faded red shirt, it was him you put the dit in the "dit-dit-dit-di-da"!!!!

I'm actually seen a police interogation sketch by Jimeoin based on this entire concept...
Who put the "ram" in the "ram-a-lang-a-ding-dong"?
It depends. Every animal in the class of mammalia (to which Bears offically belong) has hair. It is a known fact. His not being fuzzy was probably just a plow to make a ridiculous rhyme. For children and the like.
Fuzzy-Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy-Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy-Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, wuz he?