The Shoutbox
I'll send it to you right away, Slayton!
Naisy runs everything into the ground.
It's really not that big a deal. You, Naisy, and the B-Day thread have kind of run it into the ground anyway... I'm just curios.
If It tell, I'll have to kill you. Nah, I'll ask Chris if I can tell you, and if he says yes, I'll PM you. Just keep your fingers crossed.
Nah Gracie-poo, I just thought, since Silver's his name, I'd use the color silver. Sometimes you can see it and sometimes you can't. Hey what is the command to make all readers names appear in your post? Like the Happy B-Day thread.
EXERCISE?!? WOW. I had no idea you exercised...So, Slayton, I see you know about the "how to discuise your post" thinty eh? Useful, no?
Send me a PM, LS. We'll keep this little conversation going methinks. I'm just off to exercise a little while...

I think the man is a genius. He is by far my favorite filmmaker; more so than any of those making features that we see at cinemas and stuff. His work is absurd, haunting, sad and nostalgic and very, very funny. And technically brilliant. I can't wait for him to make a feature.
SILVER!!! Checked out your hyperlink for that video. I also watched his Pittsburg Steelers film 'bout the guy who misses his daddy. I found it to be haunting. Kinda creepy, but not in a sinister way. Like a bad dream, that fills you with uneasiness. Saw your critique of it also.
Good Night all.

And good job with the Bastard F*cking F*ckload of laundry, Miss Mary-Lo.
once again literally: