The Shoutbox
Is it just me, or does "The Interview" look stupid?
I won't say more because: spoilers.
I watched Ascension. It had a couple of surprises I thought they pulled off fairly well, but overall, I got the feeling they had the wrong people on the creative team when all was said and done. Some aspects were good, but others...not so much.

That said, it had a nice old, hard sci-fi vibe to it that the content on SyFy has been missing for some time now, so I would probably watch more if they made more.

I am all about stuff that deals with panopticon concepts, as many here know, but when it gets to muddles in melodrama, I start to lose interest.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Yes, in that I'm DVRing it and looking forward to it. No, in the sense that I haven't actually started watching yet.
Episode 1 blew my mind. I had a feeling I knew where it was going but that doesn't prepare you for it at all. That's all I've seen thus far. It's all been TiVoed.
TCM (Turner Classic Movies) have been showing some great films lately.. The only cable station that doesn't show commercials. Even Sundance have so many commercials.
Yes, in that I'm DVRing it and looking forward to it. No, in the sense that I haven't actually started watching yet.
Anyone watching Ascension?
...and Tatty, thanks for reminding me of that monstrosity
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by The Rodent
This is gonna be interesting.

Parcel arrived today from New Zealand containing Christmas presents for a Mr and Mrs Moore... the last people who lived in this property.

Tracked the name of the sender of the parcel... who happens to be the only person with that name in that area of New Zealand.
Found their Facebook profile... then looked into their friends list and have found the Mr and Mrs Moore in question, who still live in my area.

Awaiting reply to the PM.

Modern technology. Amazing.


They called the cops accusing me of theft.
Just had the police on the doorstep.
All is good though after I showed the cops the messages I sent on Facebook.

Next time it happens, their mail and parcels are mine, and I'll deny all knowledge.
What a bloody cheek!
Thanks for that, Tactius. I always try to miss it but this year it's hunted me down.
Merry Christmas!