The Shoutbox
Hope it comes with a free straw for those that would prefer not to have a roach in their drink?
We just printed up some flyers for the cannabis equivalent. It's a drink that looks like a cannabis drink but doesn't actually contain anything that gets you high. Apparently there is a market for such a thing...
What is the purpose of non-alcoholic beer? Relapse starter? How to waste a calorie?
Hooray beer
Jamaican Coors!
Reggae bar for jazz? Tired of being force fed Red Stripe?
Well, I traded one sound bar’s quirks for another
Originally Posted by Sedai
I would add more about Fight Club, but it gets into spoiler territory for season 1. I am sure you know what UI would be saying!
I would add more about Fight Club, but it gets into spoiler territory for season 1. I am sure you know what UI would be saying!
Originally Posted by Sedai
I like the show, but am not a huge fan of its philosophy. I may watch it all again some day.
It’s not that original, ‘Fight Club’ has the same premise re erasing records. I find the technicalities interesting but I can’t say I’m a fan of the overarching philosophy, either.
I like the show, but am not a huge fan of its philosophy. I may watch it all again some day.