The Shoutbox
(why didn't I see that coming?)

Sleepy. Need to get to bed early tonight.
Damn. Talk about your "high maitinence" individuals...sheesh, so many demands...( you'll get your pics. Don't get your undies in a bunch.) mmmmm...undies.
We want pictures...that's what we want. Oscars, beach, etc. And if we don't get them...they'll be an uprising.
Awww...Chris. Thanks, doll...maybe I'll bring back some California Shore Sand and mail it to you...along with some other little surprises.
Bah! The fun will surely decrease. I'll figure something out, though. MoFo will, however, be depleted for the weekend.
Whelp, I'll be leaving for a vacatin in a few hours. I won't be back until Monday afternoon, sometime...hope you all have loads of fun without me...although, it couldn't be that much fun...if I'm not around.
Terrific motto.

Whew, I'm kinda tired today. For many reasons. It's a good, pleasant kind of tired, though.
Cure, then cuddle... if you cuddle at all... that's my motto
You're right, that's pretty scary. Sure, if a doctor's caring and friendly, it's a plus, but I'd rather have a cold-hearted bastard who knows the way the human body works better than anyone he went to Med school with.