The Shoutbox
How bout' that Westworld trailer?
Yep, JarundSorensen is a spammer.
26th post contains a link. haven't clicked it, but he's added it to text rather than posting a URL.
He hammered up to 25, spammed in the 26th, then vanished.
Got a Filler online.
Not a Spammer yet, but I can smell it coming.
Up Cavaliers
Originally Posted by Camo
I always liked Cleveland Williams vs Muhammad Ali better
I had a Vauxhall Cavalier that I loved.
I always liked Cleveland Williams vs Muhammad Ali better
Cavs won folks. Best Cleveland moment EVER!!!!!
As soon as i saw you had quoted me i knew you had made that sort of joke
The Warriors better win.
REMINDER - Game 7 is on tonight!
Well, one thing is certain with this new job, I ain't moving away from this town anytime soon.