The Shoutbox
How bout' MoFo?
I just laugh every time I see the word Mofo.
No one in the history of ever has googled "mofo" and been directed here hahaha.

So disappointed that isn't how i found this place tho.
Originally Posted by Yoda
It was a good joke.
Now I need to know what counts as a
joke and a
joke so I know how well to take this.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Right. Searching online...

HMV are going bust again.
They've shut down all membership accounts and have binned the system completely.

Lovely. Absolutely fantastic.

I'll be watching the store nearby for the next couple weeks for a closing down sale then.
Get a load of stuff cheap. They're not getting any business from me again until they go into closure-sale-mode.
Yup. They just closed shop in Canada. Bought DVDs and blurays for $1.50 each.

There membership was bogus though. Points/memberships expire??? BS
Makes me wonder how many times people google 'Mofo'' thinking they'll get an urban dictionary definition and suddenly find themselves in movie world.
It was a good joke.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Alas, any creative naming instincts I have were necessarily sublimated to the desire to make sure people found it in the first place.
I figured it was mainly to do with search engine optimisation, but screw it, a joke's a joke.
Was it me. My typing is pretty crappy these days. One of my arms doesn't work at full capacity and sometimes I'm too lazy to edit
Right. Searching online...

HMV are going bust again.
They've shut down all membership accounts and have binned the system completely.

Lovely. Absolutely fantastic.

I'll be watching the store nearby for the next couple weeks for a closing down sale then.
Get a load of stuff cheap. They're not getting any business from me again until they go into closure-sale-mode.
That's nice.

I have an HMV membership card... with about 750,000 points on it.
Tried to log into my account just now... and *poof* it doesn't exist.
I used the card 2 days ago... I even had an email from them this morning... account though on the system is gone.

I could get a handful of free DVDs with those points.
