The Shoutbox
There's a whole Tumblr dedicated to signs where people put quotes around words for emphasis. It's...difficult to read.

There's a restaurant parking lot near here that I walk the dog by a lot that does the same thing. Seriously considering grammar-based vandalism.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Also, I laugh in the face of your "tyranny".
I laugh at your "laughter"!
Site Of The Living ZoFo
Originally Posted by Velvet
it seems quite active for a dead site
zombie site then
As long as we got these it ain't never gonna die. Not on my watch!

it seems quite active for a dead site
super ded
guys movie forums is dying
Also, I laugh in the face of your "tyranny".
I had about 8 inches of snow on the car from the middle of the roof to the end of the trunk.

I made it all the way to work without a lick of it falling off.