The Shoutbox
Just found out my personal property tax is due a month later than I thought. Time to dance a jig.
I’m back in $uavs. Let’s hope I don’t regret it
Yin Wootf - Bow reincarnate or The King of Stephens? That is the question.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Man, busy week! As we start to reopen, we are getting slammed at work! (Don't say it, ynwtf... )

Anyway...not much MoFo time this week.

Good morning, all!

If you're getting slammed you must be desirable.
Man, busy week! As we start to reopen, we are getting slammed at work! (Don't say it, ynwtf... )

Anyway...not much MoFo time this week.

Good morning, all!
'hyper' or 'hipper'?
Boy oh boy, these typos are reely startling to mound up.

As a six+-footer I'm starting to wonder whether I should even be here now as for all I know this might actually be the Shortbox
I once found a pair of hyper-psychedelic unicorn pants on amazon. I never ordered fearing it was just a fake advert.
”scarecrow’s only scaring himself”

badada dup dup dup bada duba da dup
Looked up “Starscream pants” and 90% of that merch is for women and the stuff for dudes, sucks.

Learn something about yourself aahieday.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I just read a post mentioning cutting hair with a chainsaw. That reminded me of a few YT videos I've seen where some random idiot girl fashions a corn cob onto a drill. Yes. A drill. And yes, I typed "a few," as in there are more than one of these kids fumbling through life. Anyway. Drill to side of face, corn cob in front of mouth. Flip the switch and hair immediately gets caught in the spin. Patches. Gone forever.
Jason Derulo teeth