The Shoutbox
That way, your post will go directly onto his profile page, and he'll get a notification that you've posted to him.
If you look at Yods post on your profile, you'll see a little link on it called Conversation.
Click that and then post.
He posted a profile comment to my profile...I replied there. Thought that was logical but apparently not. Where should one reply to one's profile comments?
Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Afternoon, all! Super healthy snoothie time! Say @Yoda ... I replied to your profile comment but I forgot to @ you so I don't think you'll get a notification. Sorry! 'Twas the sho k of getting one and not being prepared.
It's worse than that... you replied... on your own profile
Afternoon, all! Super healthy snoothie time! Say @Yoda ... I replied to your profile comment but I forgot to @ you so I don't think you'll get a notification. Sorry! 'Twas the sho k of getting one and not being prepared.
9, I think.
what season is that one
Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
sooo Space Mutiny was purty funny. thanks for the recommendation, shoutbox!
Werewolf is right up there, too, if you end up wanting another one. Might be my favorite.
unrelated: I banged up my finger something good and it's all swollen and blue. stupid cream of mushroom soup can.
sooo Space Mutiny was purty funny. thanks for the recommendation, shoutbox!