The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by OG-
Everyone should go buy Mean Creek today.
Done. I'm getting ready to go watch it.
Hey! They're both equally hairy and round...ones just supersized.
JUDD HIRSCH?! Ewww! No, Danny Devito's the hottie!
You think small my friend. That kind of money can buy you a studio apartment and nearly any woman you've ever, or will ever want. Some women would try to sell you their daughters for that kind of money! Not too mention that you could explore your gay side with even the likes of Brad Pitt...or JUDD HIRSCH!!!
$300,000,000,000 which could have been spent on buying me a wicked cool castle with a go-kart track and trampoline
Officials at the The White House said today that so far America has spent $300,000,000,000 on the Iraq war alone. That's not including Afghanistan or what any other country has spent.
Everyone should go buy Mean Creek today.
A crocotang and an orangadile (a cross between an orangutang and a crocodile)
A Hamster.
No, not a monkey...but close.
A monkey.