The Shoutbox
hey all whats goin on
Sometimes you wanna go
where everybody knows your username...
I haven't been there myself before.
I don't believe that it exists at all.
That's probably some porn site. I'M not checking it out.
Oh sure. But everbody's gotta start somewhere, and all sites start small. I still think it's a lot cooler to start from nothing and build up to something big than get some sort of corporate hosting. In fact I think it's the only way to go.

I mean, really. What other site can I hang out on and call myself a MoFo.
I suppose...but you can tell the place is still smallish when the owner leads the way in threads, posts, shouts, etc.

It used to be a lot worse, though.
I don't think it's pathetic. I just think it shows you really care about your site, and the forums. I think it's very cool when the owner of the place hangs out with the clientel
Wow, I didn't even notice. And with this shout, I set a new mark in patheticism. And yes, I know that's not a word.
Yoda, it's time to party like you have 1999 shouts.
yeah there are a few mixed emotions catch ya Chris i will email ya later