The Shoutbox
I've got a busy day comin' up on me... had to get my MoFo time in early. It's like working out, only it's the complete opposite of working out.
oh yeah

We are? It's 10:16 AM here.
man u guys are some early birds
Not too much.
hey all whats goin on
Sometimes you wanna go
where everybody knows your username...
I haven't been there myself before.
I don't believe that it exists at all.
That's probably some porn site. I'M not checking it out.
Oh sure. But everbody's gotta start somewhere, and all sites start small. I still think it's a lot cooler to start from nothing and build up to something big than get some sort of corporate hosting. In fact I think it's the only way to go.

I mean, really. What other site can I hang out on and call myself a MoFo.