The Shoutbox
Just had a precautionary mammogram and ultrasound for what turned out to be a little benign cyst. Going to have a Budweiser now to get some of my manliness back.
When someone gives you something at the last minute and then asks if you got it done. Like yo, when? WHEN?
Hot potato
Well I wanted to watch something!
connect.... three?

Originally Posted by Allaby
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Is anyone planning to watch ‘In the Heights’?
I watched it. It was fantastic, highly recommended.
Oh nice, thanks! Bought a ticket
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Is anyone planning to watch ‘In the Heights’?
I watched it. It was fantastic, highly recommended.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
There've been a few mentioned having watched it in the RTLMYS thread.
As with virtually all 'current' movies it'll prolly be at least cpl of years until I get my slow-moving ass round to it.
Ha, likewise, probably. I’ll check out RTLMYS, thanks.
There've been a few mentioned having watched it in the RTLMYS thread.
As with virtually all 'current' movies it'll prolly be at least cpl of years until I get my slow-moving ass round to it.
Is anyone planning to watch ‘In the Heights’?