The Shoutbox
There was a guy from the Red Cross that ruined me forever.

Felt like someone stuffed a glowing orange piece of charcoal up my arm.
The number one job of a nurse/whatever is being a prick
There were two kids that were before me for bloodwork, and they got me psyched out. All piss and vinegar screaming cries upon deaf ears.

Needless to say it sucked more than usual. I will say that even students can do a good job with my veins: I always get students.
Disconnected, eh?
Plant as many seeds as you like my friend, I'll not be watering any of them
(he had a barn loft)

The seed has been planted whether you like it or not.
Fear not, I'd never elevate him to such a lofty position
Nobody puts Swayze in the corner >=\
Would this be a bad time to admit I'm not a fan of Patrick Undulatefromsidetosideze?