The Shoutbox
Kangaroos? That's a little more information than we all needed, T.
Naw, maybe like 3 things...two of which involve kangaroos, and one of which involves the Java Virtual Machine.
Toose, sir, there about 100 things cooler than geekin' it up on the shoutbox...I assure you.
Well, yeah. SQL is the database world. Even Oracle uses standard, ANSI SQL syntax. And yes, please do not talk hardware. It will diminish my geek-ego.
Don't make me talk hardware... I'm coming close to certification...
Sadie, milady, nothing is cooler than geek on the shoutbox. Well, maybe something...
In Database SQL is king.
Like it? I love it! It makes me laugh...
Yep, geeking it up. You know you like it.
Oh, SQL? I'd assumed it was something else. In online programming, SQL, while important, is a minority in terms of code. Most of the code decides what to do with the data. Ah, I'm glad I'm not a DBA. I'm not nuts about all those queries. I'd much rather spend time on string handling and such. Ahhhh, fun stuff.
Geek Speak! Someone alert the moderator, there's Geek Speak on the feels so uncool...wait! The moderator is one of the Geeks doing the Speaking! AGH!