The Shoutbox
You got the same ones in your garden?
I vote mineral.
The wife oh-so-helpfully says it's a plant and that we have one too but no idea what it's called

Here's hoping they're not baby Triffids!
Close up of the tiny flowers:
Any gardeners out there help me with this?
No idea what it is...

Yay? Sort of? Silver linings and all that.

We're basically the same in PA, talk of whether it'll go to full "stay at home." Ohio did yesterday, so it seems like a matter of time.
Massachusetts going into non-essential shutdown starting tomorrow at noon. Looks like I will have a bit more MoFo time for the next couple of weeks.
Deliver Us!

Omg, I can't believe how many emails and phone calls I'm fielding rn.

Deliver me.
I woke up in some weird, nightmare version of the Boston metro area. Most of the Dunkin Donuts are closed until further notice, St. Patrick's Day was canceled, and Tom Brady plays for Tampa Bay.