The Shoutbox
Anybody who disputes that is racist and transphobic.
The ends of loaves makes the best toast
“That’s all for now Painterly. I’ve left the dry cleaning in the foyer. Tell them go easy on the starch.”
Originally Posted by John McClane
Painterly waiting on a component cable for my Sega Genesis. It’s been two months since I ordered. Keeping the faith
What’s it like having a butler? Does it feel like Silver Spoons?
Painterly waiting on a component cable for my Sega Genesis. It’s been two months since I ordered. Keeping the faith
What a trip!
If it's true the Russo bros helped finance Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, then they can make as many Gray Man movies as they want.
Vaguely sounds like Hellraiser, maybe one of the sequels?
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Ok, so I gave The Gray Man a full watch. Eh... it was alright. I shouldhave been shorter. I really do miss the 90 minute 80's action flick. Get in. Get out in 90 minutes or less.
Isn’t there a Netflix tab for this? I concur that 90 minutes is the perfect action film runtime.
Ok, so I gave The Gray Man a full watch. Eh... it was alright. I shouldhave been shorter. I really do miss the 90 minute 80's action flick. Get in. Get out in 90 minutes or less.