The Shoutbox
I would give you the lindt bunny the easter bunny left me but I just discovered some giant rattus rattus aka the husband must have eaten it. All that's left is the bell from around it;s neck.
*gives up*
That's gone you duffer, but I still have easter eggs if you want
Apologies, I meant Easter
In what universe is it nearly Xmas, you chyp off the old block.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I mean, technically yes. But it'd have to be a VERY bad pun.
Ah feck it, 'tis nearly Xmas after all - it IS a VERY bad pun but we'll just let the rep stand rather than put ye to any trouble so we shall
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Yoda - is there any way to take back a rep point if there are very special mitigating circumstances (like the post being edited into a pun that is really cringeworthy, and by really cringeworthy I mean REALLY cringeworthy) after the rep was already given?
I mean, technically yes. But it'd have to be a VERY bad pun.
I have no idea once again what you lot are shouting in bananabox. Flouncing off to make more tea.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Wasn't Scooby the dawg??


Ha, naughty Chpy

*that's the only emoticon I know for the Shoutbox
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
Why the vey insolence confusing me with a dawg.
Wasn't Scooby the dawg??