The Shoutbox
Let’s skip one. Multiple of five!

The important question is how can it be a conservative movie if it doesn’t have John Wayne or Charlton Heston in it, eh?
Wow, I didn't even notice. I had no idea what you were counting down to.

200,000 shouts.
Originally Posted by Velvet
also intresting they included Team America. I havent seen it but if it in any way reflects south park I would say its definitely more in the middle than conservative as south parks basically goes after every side
Yeah, but a recurrent criticism of Parker/Stone stuff in recent years is that these attack-all-sides approaches they take still can't help but default to one side or another - often further right than left. Team America ostensibly starts as a satire of U.S. military intervention but halfway through it switches to mocking left-wing celebrities and how their idealistic pacifism make them easily manipulated by the film's genocidal dictator villain - thus necessitating Team America's intervention.
It takes a lot for me to really label something "a conservative movie". Usually if I like a movie that much, I don't even think about it being conservative. Gran Torino is still one hell of a great movie if it happens to contain conservative elements.