The Shoutbox
Me is a bored to the fact that I'm trying to convince my dad to box with me. I've got the equipment and now all I need is him. If he does say yes I will probably regret it.
I....have....*wobble*...a tendancy to....wobble *wobble*wobble* when im excited. I do apologwobble...
Hi Blib... why are you wobbling?


And Pyro and Monkey...
Hi Ezikiel, Johnny, and Lance...
Seeing King Kong tomorrow!!!!!
The amount of restraint that is going into me not seeing King Kong until Sunday could support Brando.
I've finally got rid of my i can forget for a while about everyhting that's connected with school...until...i get my results - oh ****!
Nah, it was my neighbour Herb. He keeps hypnotising me.
Yeah, oregano'll do some crazy things to your mind.