The Shoutbox
Are any of the Marvel Netflix properties getting cancelled newsworthy? What else is going to happen when all the Mouse leaves at the end of the year or whenever?
Although I suspect that may not have been a literal gasoline comment.

Have your Joker moment.
Kerosene and diesel don't deliver the same visceral satisfaction.
It explodes so well.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I'm putting out fire... With gasoline! It's been so long...
Well duh. How else would you do it?
I’m geeking out!!!!!!
Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Velvet
Mainly Im just wondering how that relationship can be applauded in one context and then called gross in another basically
But it is precisely because of the context, so how can you ask, "how in one context?" And every individual person can have different reasons for condoning or condemning something in different contexts. It may depend on how large the age gap is, who initiates the relationship, whether coercion is involved, how it affects those involved, etc... Some might condemn it based on the age of the younger person, others might condemn it based on the age of the older person. Mostly I think people who condemn that sort of thing are just being self-righteous hypocrites who don't look into the situation all that deeply, or really care about the well-being of the people involved.
i lub u
thats me