The Shoutbox
Well, this has been a particularly nasty and angry election cycle -- worse than 2016, if you ask me. The lines are so ridiculously CLEARLY delineated that the Democrats are pulling out all stops. Frankly, I suspect anything Trump would have done (stricter or more lenient) would have drawn their ire.

I'm no Trump fan, but it's clear that some of this horribly negative backlash (with language that makes it sound as if Trump himself invented the virus and is responsible for the entire WORLD'S response to it) is because, even after an impeachment process, his approval ratings were really solid.

Go figure.

Frankly, I suspect if anything is the undoing of our nation, it'll be the unbridled, unfiltered, unverified crap that roams social media 24/7. I make concerted efforts to AVOID such confrontations... and I'm still bombarded with them daily.
Also, if we assume the response was slow and late here (which seems to be the case), that doesn't figure to be obviously true for another week or two at least, so not only is the jump tepid compared to what you might expect, but I think it hasn't really been tested yet by any of the expected ramifications of all those early decisions.
Yeah, those jumps are always "soft." But they're usually much higher in the short-term.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I think the approval rating for the President basically always goes up in times of crisis. The fact it's only going up a little is pretty telling, since it usually goes up a lot in difficult circumstances.
Yes, this is true. See both Bush when during their respective wars. Both numbers went much higher, and then in both cases crashed back down.
I think the approval rating for the President basically always goes up in times of crisis. The fact it's only going up a little is pretty telling, since it usually goes up a lot in difficult circumstances.
Ned, this is America. We don't listen to anyone and we're all gonna die with our guns in hand.

I mean it all makes sense. Our president's approval rating is rising in the face of a national crisis and his handling of it
During most quarantine States what is the one thing you see people doing that is out side and not indoors like suppose to.
I saw people fishing in a boat on a river after coming back from a milk and eggs run
Originally Posted by doubledenim
No joke. It's a great story, but I just find it boring. Nobody is really interesting enough for me to care.
Mostly agree, except Agent Matthews is pretty great. But he's basically just in the first episode, and only shows up now and then later. He's consistently the best part, though.

The digressions between the first and last episodes are kinda meh. Interesting in their own right (Colangelo's local media appearances are pretty amusing), but the whole thing could've been a lot tighter.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
I enjoyed "McMillions" but am glad I watched it before "Tiger King". After Joe Exotic and company all other criminals seem so damn boring.
And then this.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I can't tell if that's just totally a joke or if you literally couldn't finish it.

I finished it, pretty good. It's never as good as it is in the first episode, though.
No joke. It's a great story, but I just find it boring. Nobody is really interesting enough for me to care.
The Hulu reboot is pretty good, too. Of the three entities the movie is the "worst."